Politics: Sandra Fluke is the Single Biggest Donor to the Sandra Fluke California State Senate Campaign
As she still is very young, the socialists along the Far Left have looked towards its future in an ideological heroine and feminist heir to the role of Margaret Sanger and Gloria Steinem, Sandra Fluke, since the present appears to reflect what its recent past has cost it from its untold hundreds of illegal activities just under President Obama: its chances of winning even one seat during the November 4, 2014 midterm elections appear all but certain to not at all happen, but rather for Congress in general to gain supermajorities controlled by the GOP. Like any well-adept and politically-equipped socialist, Fluke is rather self-serving and does very well for herself. She was born roughly one year after myself (1982 for her), and has enjoyed living the good life, the life of creature comforts in the lap of luxury, free and unfettered to do as she demanded her father to permit, which likely included living an extraordinarily promiscuous sexual lifestyle, likely without the use of protection if her demands that women's sex lives be funded and how she spent as much as $1,700 per month because Georgetown University Law School did not provide her with any contraceptives if her claims are true. Through pumping her fist, she succeeded in becoming an fresh new enigma, a star on the stage of the radical socialist feminist movement, doing as so many socialists successfully achieve among the bulk of the nation's low information voters who are primarily Democrats: Fluke succeeded in carefully crafting an image of an oppressed woman symbolizing all women by crying foul at her independence with her body and particularly regarding her sex is being regulated. But so far as I can tell from having read my fair share of legal codes and tort briefings, no one today regulates what does between the sheets with her partner in the bedroom, including of course whether or not she chooses to sleep with men or women, or if she is a frequent crasher of random parties and becomes one of the party favors.
Most of you recall very well her infamous deposition before a House committee whereby she launched her career as the independent woman for the 21st Century. Her lurid tales of complain how a Catholic university as she attended at Georgetown for law school so disgusted Rush Limbaugh that he chose to speak his mind in beyond merely general frank terms, but rather brutally honest comments. For those who may not recollect this trading of barbs and insults being hurled to and fro, I will refer to Mr. Limbaugh's comments both in transcripts and too, audio or video, whichever is most readily available:
APRUSH: How Can Sandra Fluke Afford $100K to Her Campaign, But Not Birth Control?Facebook Twitter Share EmailBy: Jack Coleman (NewsBusters)Two years after he was widely vilified for suggesting that Sandra Fluke was a "slut" and "prostitute" for insisting that other people -- taxpayers or insurance companies, she wasn't picky -- pay for her birth control, Rush Limbaugh asked a question about Fluke today on his radio show that we're unlikely to hear from what he derides as the "drive-by media."Fluke, who somehow survived her brutish treatment by Limbaugh to land a prime-time speaking gig at the Democratic National Convention that year, right before Bill Clinton aptly enough, is running for state senate in California. That she might get elected is due largely to Limbaugh's role in making Fluke a public figure. Poor thing, the fame she's had to endure as a rock star on the left, where they robotically view people they admire as rock stars, has been hellish.Turns out Fluke has donated mucho deniro to her campaign, more than $100,000, even though she was alleging poverty in 2012 while begging for public assistance to pay for her contraception. Such a target proved irresistible to Rush -- again.Do you remember Sandra ... I can never remember how to pronounce her name. It's spelled 'Fluke' but I don't think anybody wants to be called a 'fluke', so I think she calls herself 'fluk'. It's a risk either way you pronounce it, right? Anyway, we all know who she came upon the public consciousness. She arrived on the scene as a Georgetown Law student testifying in a mock congressional hearing, it was a TV ad, it was made to look like an official hearing but it wasn't, it was just a campaign ad. And she was testifying about the hardships that she and other similarly aged and conditioned women faced with the high cost of birth control.
In all fairness to Sandra Fluke, she probably has profited from her two years of bra-burning, clothes-hanger hoisting antics atop of her bully pulpit, and that is exactly what she has achieved: she is a bully and a boss like her president and Potemken wife would want her to be, but no one else. As Heidi Fleiss, Hollywood's most notorious madame, is a fellow Californian, I am sure that the former provided the young "latter" with great opportunities to raise her necessary campaign funds by doing what she apparently always has: She takes matter into her hands while flat on her back, spread eagle.
Oh, if only that last slam to her were true! She is wealthier than all of us together are. But, as she claims to be an independent, sexually-liberated "womyn", she indeed the very epitome of the pot calling the kettle black, according to The Washington Examiner:
Liberal darling and free-birth-control advocate Sandra Fluke is her own biggest donor in her state Senate race, according to official California campaign finance reports.Fluke donated $12,000 to her campaign and $4,826.27 in non-monetary contributions. While $16,826.27 may not sound like a lot, Fluke also loaned her campaign $100,000.Where does a 2012 law school grad working as a social justice attorney get a loan that size? Her campaign never responded to a Washington Examiner inquiry, so we’re left to speculate.Perhaps the loan was in part secured by the family of Fluke’s husband, Adam Mutterperl. In 2012, Fluke married Mutterperl, an amateur stand-up comic and son of big-time Democratic donor William Mutterperl.And wouldn’t you know it, the Mutterperls have donated quite a bit to Fluke’s campaign. William and Nancy Mutterperl have each donated $8,200 to Fluke’s campaign. Adam has given a bit less – $4,100.As a family, the Mutterperls have given Fluke $20,500. Fluke’s own family has donated $9,600 to her campaign (her mother gave one donation as Betty and one as Elizabeth).While it’s not unusual for family members to donate to a campaign (it would be far more telling if they didn’t give), the fact that the donations, along with Fluke’s loan, accounts for 33 percent of Fluke’s fundraising is notable.With the loan, that’s a total of $58,200. Allen has raised less than Fluke (not counting outside help), but he and his family have only provided 15 percent of his total donations.If you remove family donations and loans, Allen has raised $330,141. Removing the same from Fluke and she’s only raised $278,859.01.The Associated Press reported earlier this month that the numbers might be even higher.“Allen has raised at least $443,388, including more than $50,000 from his law firm, Richardson & Patel LLP, while Fluke has raised about $500,000, including $175,000 from her own loans and contributions, according to campaign finance reports,” the AP wrote.With those numbers, Allen has provided 11 percent of his own funding while Fluke has provided a whopping 35 percent (and that doesn’t even appear to include family donations).Share this article on Facebook or TwitterIn total, Fluke has raised $416,185.28, according to disclosure forms. With one-third of that total coming from her family, it appears the campaign is trying to pump up its donation totals to appear stronger than it actually is.Conversely, Fluke's opponent, Ben Allen, hasn't donated any of his own money to the campaign but has given the campaign a $50,000 loan, according to financial disclosures. His parents, Elena and Michael Allen, have each donated $4,100 to his campaign.
She is a socialist, and on the surface, she is supposed to champion absolute uniformity, or the base tenets behind Marxism's doctrine of communism, or the dictatorship of the proletariat. And again, the basis behind the socialist ideology is indeed class warfare, and every friend over the years who followed its social and political discourses love to hurl around that most pungent of words - racism - into the foray, or perhaps I am a chauvinist for not adhering to concept that the world should reward the libertine women of the world by killing the unborn child(ren) on demand. But like most major violent radical left-wing civil wars and revolutions dating to the fall of the Bastille in Paris in 1789, socialism's rise to totalitarianism in any state was achieved never by the peasants evolving into the role of intellectual goliaths and therefore, toppling le ancien regime, but rather by upwardly-mobile, wealthy individuals and societies such as the Jacobins in France under Maximilien Robespierre, V.I. Lenin in Russia as he spearheaded the Bolshevik Revolution and killed millions, plus Mao Zedong, the son of a wealthy land-owning peasant during the last years of the old empire as ruled by the Manchu Qing Dynasty. This is the very reason why America is so entrenched in assuring that Israel either capitulates to Hamas and the White House's terms for surrender, or better still if the nation is annihilated, and why Christians are being funded by the president to be slaughtered by the thousands monthly in a blatant act of genocide, or what many Christians today are asking among themselves or in their mind if this is the apostasy The Bible foretold. In President Obama's case, if he is willing to go to extremes to become the global-wide totalitarian dictator, he must exterminate his opposition. To do this, any nation governed by right-wing elected officials who oppose his policies must be targeted at their most singular sources; why do you believe the IRS, Att. Gen. Eric Holder's Justice Department, the NSA, Homeland Security, the CIA and FBI are seeking to destroy the lives of those among the president's obstructionist opposition? Why do we need Common Core or public education in general when what worked during the 18th and 19th Centuries without such a system born unto our nation a far more educated class of people of all races or economic backgrounds and faiths under the Horace Mann principle of relegating the most profound concept in harmony with Puritan New England to the most basic of units: the community and families being greatly involved in the education process? Alexis de Tocqueville observed as much and how by region, the education varied based upon cultural norms imbuing within the population's moral fiber the fabric for which that era's students would hopefully come to bear proudly.
Where I first read of this issue was through Herman Cain, a man I hold in the utmost esteem. As a black conservative, he has experienced to his horror so many others within the same black community he is a part be relegated to the position of tending the plantation fields of the Democratic Party. It was indeed Lyndon B. Johnson who in his very vulgar manner stated the following within this graphic, which I checked its validity and is indeed an accurate quotation:
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Remember ladies and gentlemen, that he was the president who proclaimed "We shall overcome" during a televised address to the nation.
For me, one of the truly profound observers of the American Dream unfolding during the early years of the republic was de Tocqueville. Some of his comments within Democracy in America leads to great dangers lying aheadare all transpiring as I write this, and not for the betterment of the nation, but geared towards its final destruction:
"Nothing is more annoying ... than this irritable patriotism of the Americans. A foreigner will gladly agree to praise much in their country, but he would like to be allowed to criticize something, and that he is absolutely refused."Americans once not only had the right to be patriotic and proud of Lady Liberty, it was expected. No longer is this true on either end, and furthermore, it is now discouraged. On the issue of gender equity, he warned future generations of Americans of the following: |
"It is easy to see that ... equality forced on both sexes degrades them both, and ... could produce nothing but feeble men and unseemly women."And the following, like with the dangers comprising of an asexual nation, can also be said as a fundamental truth about racial equality:
"I do not think that the white and black races will ever be brought anywhere to live on a footing of equality."On each of the three prior accounts regarding patriotism and gender and racial equity, de Tocqueville has proven most prophetic. Socialists within the growing radicalism of the Democratic Party continue to not only perpetuate racism through race-baiting, but class warfare on the cusp of devolving the democratically-elected nation into anarchy. Jefferson ironically blamed the banks and touted the importance of our nation remaining largely agrarian, to always be capable of subsisting off the land, and to be the salt of the earth as a people. True to form, Fluke has rallied to defeat the American farmer, always destined to be the poet from the heartland, and has spat upon the people residing along Main Street U.S.A. by way of mobilizing the urban inner-city poor into supporting the eugenics principle for why Planned Parenthood was established by Sanger to again eradicate social undesirables like the black community, the mentally-retarded and encouraging the same "one child" policy within China that she influenced.
The last take on this issue will be Herman Cain's as was mentioned a bit earlier:
Sandra Fluke is trying desperately to carve political career out of being the face of "millennials who want FREE STUFF," so she's running for California's state Senate. It isn't going well. Despite being the most easily recognizable candidate, Fluke floundered in June's open primary, where she carried just 19.4% of the vote in a turnout described as "embarrassingly low." That was enough to give her a weak second place finish. Unfortunately for her, it was probably not enough to bring substantial donors to the table.
Ms. Fluke is now the single largest contributor to her own Senate campaign.The quotes within The Washington Examiner are provide above. The point, however, remains clear and ever present for Fluke. The article continues:
Now, a family donating to a campaign is not surprising or unusual but the percentage of overall funds coming from Fluke's inner circle should raise red flags.
Currently, Fluke's campaign has raised more cash than Ben Allen, but Allen may still still be in a stronger position. First of all, he's considered a potent candidate with deepconnections in the district. He's given his campaign a $50,000 loan, and his parents have each donated $4,100. If you remove his family and his loan from the equation, he's raised $330,141 - slightly more than Fluke, who stands at $278,859.
And according to the Associated Press, the Examiner's numbers represent a "rosy" estimate. In reality, things are probably a bit worse:
“Allen has raised at least $443,388, including more than $50,000 from his law firm, Richardson & Patel LLP, while Fluke has raised about $500,000, including $175,000 from her own loans and contributions, according to campaign finance reports."
That would mean that Allen has funded just over 10% of his campaign, while Fluke is footing the bill to the tune of about 35%.
That's bad news for a campaign, but it's great news for someone who - just a few years ago - was claiming that $15 a month for birth control was a bridge too far....
Conclusion: Sandra Fluke's Political Career was Dead Upon Arrival:
History will recall radical feminism as a blight upon our nation's history and those of all others globally. I do believe, though, that the copious forms of bigotry accusations having been thrown the way of conservatives since President Obama swore on The Bible his oath of the presidency has finally rattled a vast majority of our population to where it as a whole intends to do as I must to stop it. Sandra Fluke was supposed to be the next generation's major feminist figure groomed to perhaps become president; its appears, however, that she may never see a truly significant career in politics because of her extremism and how she really did appear to be a slut and a prostitute for what she did. Worse still is how nearly all major radical feminist figures maintain their independence at achieving their very public notoriety. Unfortunately for Fluke, it is now well known that she possesses millions of dollars through her family by which she can simply buy her elections. Like any other solid politician, she works for pay and campaigns to fund her endeavors on the grounds that she is bitter opposed to contraceptives not being universally free, and by measure of this her reputation within any preclusive decency.
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