Topic: President Obama Orders Air Strikes Against ISIS - Why Now? What is the End Game?
By now, ladies and gentlemen, you each have either read about or what via the news reports of the bombing of ISIS compounds in Iraq. This is an issue which should have been resolved months ago in Syria shortly after the terrorist cell was formed and unleashed its hell upon the innocent bystanders in the region by shackling their slave women while punishing those considered to be disobedient by tossing acid at their faces, rape and of course, the obligatory savagery behind their measures of murder, much less the actual acts of committing these atrocities. Children are being shot dead execution-style, beheaded and used as with Hamas like shields in order to protect their terrorist zealot captors.
Christians are being purged in two manners in Iraq today: they are either told to leave Iraq or they face execution. To date, several thousand have been killed, though so far as I have been able to read, no figures are available to confirm the exact total. Iraqis fleeing for their lives are slaughtered en masse, are decapitated and like with the old stories of Vlad Tepish Dracula of Transylvania (Romania), their heads placed upon spikes. This is today the world's greatest exemplifier of evil, unprecedented and unadulterated, and my debate this morning over Twitter with a pro-Hamas, pro-terrorism American civilian from Santa Barbara, CA proved to me why the entire religion that is Islam and each one of its followers is filled brutal savages bent upon global domination and in need to be completely wiped off the map so far as it takes to once and for all ensure that no more genocides of any peoples of other faiths ever happen again:
@ChrisLoesch @BooAzizi If I am @netanyahu I'd be willing to exercise every last option at my disposal to eradicate all vestiges of Hamas.
— Jonathan Henderson (@Dagan81) August 8, 2014
@ChrisLoesch Not about Hamas, rather what it stands for: liberation of Palestinian people from Israeli occupation & zionist colonization
— Booazizi (@BooAzizi) August 8, 2014
Israel left Gaza (shouldn't have) in 2005. Hamas still wants them destroyed. Support the peaceful in Gaza & get rid of Hamas. @BooAzizi
— Chris Loesch (@ChrisLoesch) August 8, 2014
@Dagan81 @ChrisLoesch @netanyahu That's because you are an ignorant person. Once you know truth & facts you wouldn't
— Booazizi (@BooAzizi) August 8, 2014
@Dagan81 @ChrisLoesch @netanyahu That's because you are an ignorant person. Once you know truth & facts you wouldn't— Booazizi (@BooAzizi) August 8, 2014
@BooAzizi @ChrisLoesch @netanyahu This will tell you how Islam treats those who out the face of its faith: butchers.
— Jonathan Henderson (@Dagan81) August 8, 2014
@Dagan81 @ChrisLoesch @netanyahu WTF does that have anything to do with Palestinians under Israeli occupation
— Booazizi (@BooAzizi) August 8, 2014
@BooAzizi @ChrisLoesch Perhaps you should specify. At least 270 million slaughtered infidels at Allah's command are counting on you.
— Jonathan Henderson (@Dagan81) August 8, 2014
@BooAzizi @ChrisLoesch @netanyahu The fact you have to ask me what human rights matter with regards to Hamas shows what butchers Muslims are
— Jonathan Henderson (@Dagan81) August 8, 2014
@BooAzizi @ChrisLoesch More than you and your blatant disregard for human life both as a Muslim and as a representative of the faith.
— Jonathan Henderson (@Dagan81) August 8, 2014
@BooAzizi @ChrisLoesch Ignorance is when the last caliphate in 1915 slaughtered 1.2 million Armenians and hundreds of thousands Anatolians.
— Jonathan Henderson (@Dagan81) August 8, 2014
@BooAzizi @ChrisLoesch Or when Pakistan, an Islamic state, commits the genocidal act of as many as 2 million Hindus in 1970-71 near Kashmir.— Jonathan Henderson (@Dagan81) August 8, 2014
@BooAzizi @ChrisLoesch When Hamas stops using children for human shields, launching rockets at civilians, I'll believe the muruna.
— Jonathan Henderson (@Dagan81) August 8, 2014
@BooAzizi @ChrisLoesch More than you and your blatant disregard for human life both as a Muslim and as a representative of the faith.
— Jonathan Henderson (@Dagan81) August 8, 2014
@BooAzizi @ChrisLoesch At least with Christian warfare, we have slaughtered far more of our own than of other faiths.
— Jonathan Henderson (@Dagan81) August 8, 2014
@BooAzizi @ChrisLoesch The fact I'm exposing Islam and Hamas is bothering you or you wouldn't justify genocide by accusing me of bigotry.
— Jonathan Henderson (@Dagan81) August 8, 2014
@BooAzizi @ChrisLoesch I reject Islam's slandering Jesus' name as "Isa", not having died on The Cross. He never killed 10,000 like Muhammad.
— Jonathan Henderson (@Dagan81) August 8, 2014
@BooAzizi @ChrisLoesch Judas Iscariot reported Him. Roman tribunals under Pontius Pilate ordered his crucifixion. And they never boiled him.
@BooAzizi @ChrisLoesch Yet another Islamic lie. Some say the Talmud posted this, but Judaism does not believe in our Jesus as The Savior.
— Jonathan Henderson (@Dagan81) August 8, 2014
@BooAzizi @ChrisLoesch The Talmud is separate from our Bible, like your Quranic fictional character of Isa is not our Jesus.
— Jonathan Henderson (@Dagan81) August 8, 2014
@BooAzizi @ChrisLoesch No, it was not invented in Alabama because the Crimson Tide suck. "Yeshua" is Hebrew for "Jesus", and he was Aramaic.
— Jonathan Henderson (@Dagan81) August 8, 2014
@BooAzizi @ChrisLoesch Jesus did not adhere Arabic traditions because he was of the Semite tradition, hence the Aramaic nationality.
— Jonathan Henderson (@Dagan81) August 8, 2014
@BooAzizi We place our credence of the New Testament over the Old. And your Quran has your Satanic supernatural figure commanding genocide.
— Jonathan Henderson (@Dagan81) August 8, 2014
@BooAzizi @ChrisLoesch Unlike Islamists who cleanse impurities in their states by committing genocide, we Christians acknowledge our sins.
— Jonathan Henderson (@Dagan81) August 8, 2014
@BooAzizi @ChrisLoesch Islam does not recognize Jesus as their adherents Savior. You bastardize Jesus by denying he was crucified.
— Jonathan Henderson (@Dagan81) August 8, 2014
@BooAzizi @ChrisLoesch Jesus is a Semite, not of Arabic traditions. I said "Arabic traditions", not race. Judeans, like Arabs, were white.
— Jonathan Henderson (@Dagan81) August 8, 2014
@BooAzizi @ChrisLoesch Considering Islam has slaughtered 270 million people, mostly "infidels", over our 55 million mostly of Christians? — Jonathan Henderson (@Dagan81) August 8, 2014
@BooAzizi @ChrisLoesch Of course. Because his entire faith he founded slaughters all that it conquers. Iraq and Syria beg for your reply.
— Jonathan Henderson (@Dagan81) August 8, 2014
@BooAzizi @ChrisLoesch What difference if we measured 270 million versus 55 million when one murder is tragic, but millions are sans faces?
— Jonathan Henderson (@Dagan81) August 8, 2014
@BooAzizi The New Testament overrides the Old. The Trinity is not mentioned in the Old.
— Jonathan Henderson (@Dagan81) August 8, 2014
@BooAzizi @ChrisLoesch And so long as Islam is permitted to diffuse globally by those who represent it, the world is doomed.
— Jonathan Henderson (@Dagan81) August 8, 2014
@BooAzizi @ChrisLoesch And let me be abundantly clear. I am willing to die to protect my faith, to ensure its survival. Allah is not my God.
— Jonathan Henderson (@Dagan81) August 8, 2014
@BooAzizi @ChrisLoesch If Islam continues to spit on God at Allah's bidding, killing all Jews and Christians, I'll take you with me to Hell.
— Jonathan Henderson (@Dagan81) August 8, 2014
@BooAzizi @ChrisLoesch The research is there, but you'd never believe what has been conducted in research since infidels aren't be killed.
— Jonathan Henderson (@Dagan81) August 8, 2014
@BooAzizi @ChrisLoesch You have killed more in 1,500 years than we have in 2,000. At least the pope issued a formal apology for our acts.
— Jonathan Henderson (@Dagan81) August 8, 2014
@BooAzizi Which is why Islam is a faith that like you spit upon Christianity, I'd be glad to wipe my excrement on your Quran.
— Jonathan Henderson (@Dagan81) August 8, 2014
@BooAzizi @ChrisLoesch Yes. Through beheading me if I don't accept him. Or in the case of one Christian in Iraq, behead me afterwards.
— Jonathan Henderson (@Dagan81) August 8, 2014
@BooAzizi @ChrisLoesch Tell that to Iraqis, to Syrians killed by ISIS, to children used as human shields which you are justifying it to me.
— Jonathan Henderson (@Dagan81) August 8, 2014
@BooAzizi @ChrisLoesch Until you come to my door to force me to accept Muhammad, you can bark all day. When you bite, you'll go down with me
— Jonathan Henderson (@Dagan81) August 8, 2014
@BooAzizi @ChrisLoesch Most of Islamists don't. The only peace Islam knows as a faith is through conquest, forced repentance, then death.
— Jonathan Henderson (@Dagan81) August 8, 2014
@BooAzizi @ChrisLoesch Whatever you say about my God and Jesus, I will never pledge obedience to Allah. He is Satanic, as are his verses.
— Jonathan Henderson (@Dagan81) August 8, 2014
@BooAzizi @ChrisLoesch In ending this conversation, to commit heresy by converting to a false prophet and Satan really will lead me to Hell.
— Jonathan Henderson (@Dagan81) August 8, 2014
Chris Loesch (@ChrisLoesch) is the husband of "conservatarian" political analyst and commentator, Dana Loesch (@DLoesch). I talk fairly regularly to Chris, as he is a musician and like his beautiful and intelligent wife, a conservative. I grew to be friendly with him not long following a major debate with a series anti-Second Amendment individuals in late May, one of whom apparently is a figure of authority within Moms Demand Action. Dana was accosted by one lady from New York City, half Jewish and half black but not one mention as to the obvious white blood coursing through her mulatto veins. The lady labeled herself as "ultra progressive" and despising bigotry... except that she was discriminatory against Dana over her conservatism guided by Christ. That will be a post for your enjoyment one day very soon. For now, I will segue into the air strikes in Iraq versus ISIS.
Breaking News: Nobel Peace Prize Winner Bombs Iraq
Evil has been attacked with a veritable slap upon the wrist for ISIS, but rather than stating the fundamental truth that this in no way has phased these evil, barbaric hordes, all the president really achieved was simply proclaiming, "We're coming to help!"
The only peace the president knows is the one in which he is in bed with most intimately: a religion by which all are obligated by its governing faith-based standards to follow its deity and prophet or face annihilation. The only peace Obama understands is a religion of his absolutism, which he is demonstrating overseas with his undying support of both Hamas and ISIS. And make no mistake, this bombing of ISIS is not only a diversionary tactic, but it will kill more of the same Christian refugees he superficially is intent upon defending while the president simultaneously both feeds them while funding the terrorists he is playing "wag the dog" to "stop".
There are several issues with his announcement I find very disturbing. One, why did the president tip his hand and endanger our jet fighters by announcing these airstrikes when nearly every other one during my lifetime were not made public until during or after the mission? Two, why now is the president planning to bomb Iraq and ISIS, which will result likely in more civilian casualties than terrorists killed or wounded, the superficial reason why the administration bitterly opposes Israel's airstrikes in the Gaza Strip when the media only until yesterday was willing to provide photographs of Hamas targeting civilian areas since the president has made it abundantly clear he is siding with the terrorist cell in the dispute? Third, why now as there is a humanitarian crisis along our border with Mexico, he continues funding Hamas and ISIS during this time, and he just pledged many billions of dollars to Africa's poorest nations for among other issues, state discretionary expenditures, when Boko Haram likely will receive these funds alongside dozens of African dictators and warlords beneath the guise of humanitarianism and compassion?
For the Democratic Party, which just days ago bitterly opposed any militarism and further defense cuts in the budget to subsidize these terrorists crossing our border to live undetected in the U.S., they have now embarked upon their historic notoriety of the Truman Doctrine in Korea and the Johnson foreign policy of waging a objective-barren war against a largely invisible foe in the jungles of Vietnam and Cambodia. Whether this is a diversionary tactic or another measure to propagate the welfare state to bribe the civilian population and more illegal immigrants to acquire more taxpayer-funded subsidies, this is not at all a measure for a humanitarian answer to a crisis, but rather to continue playing enemies (ISIS and Hamas) of the administration's enemy (Israel) against the other, with Iran poised to having its hand forced on whether to tolerate the preeminent nation of the West it so hates virulently, or to support ISIS, who have all but achieved its end of toppling Syria, Lebanon and Iraq.
Russian state television RT provided some footage of the targets being pinpointed and the bombs deployed:
For the Democratic Party, which just days ago bitterly opposed any militarism and further defense cuts in the budget to subsidize these terrorists crossing our border to live undetected in the U.S., they have now embarked upon their historic notoriety of the Truman Doctrine in Korea and the Johnson foreign policy of waging a objective-barren war against a largely invisible foe in the jungles of Vietnam and Cambodia. Whether this is a diversionary tactic or another measure to propagate the welfare state to bribe the civilian population and more illegal immigrants to acquire more taxpayer-funded subsidies, this is not at all a measure for a humanitarian answer to a crisis, but rather to continue playing enemies (ISIS and Hamas) of the administration's enemy (Israel) against the other, with Iran poised to having its hand forced on whether to tolerate the preeminent nation of the West it so hates virulently, or to support ISIS, who have all but achieved its end of toppling Syria, Lebanon and Iraq.
Russian state television RT provided some footage of the targets being pinpointed and the bombs deployed:
To now, I have not read of any civilian casualties, nor do I expect to ever learn from our domestic media - Fox News included - if human collateral damage was incurred.
Col. Allen West: Why Now, Obama? Innocent Children are Being Beheaded
Allen West, the former U.S. Marine colonel railroaded by the Defense Department who also served one term in the House of Representatives, stated his peace regarding the false comforts to be derived by such a bland action:
During my morning run, I pondered last night’s address by President Obama regarding the current situation in Iraq. What immediately struck me was that Obama spent more time talking about what he did not want to do than really defining what needed to be done.Everyone is talking about an F/A-18 aircraft striking an ISIS artillery piece — hardly a strategic objective. This does back up what Obama so narrowly defined last night as his intent – address the threat to Americans in Irbil and Baghdad. I am pleased that we took the action to provide humanitarian relief.The president was very careful in his words, and they were mostly political – not practical. But Obama was more adamant in declaring what he is not going to do — meaning the enemy has been provided a gap to exploit.However, why was Barack Hussein Obama in such a rush to provide U.S. military resources in Libya supporting Islamist forces? We were told it was a humanitarian crisis, but it seems now hardly so. And please, don’t tell me it was just NATO — America is NATO. And now Americans know Libya as the place where an ambassador and three other Americans were killed in a terrorist attack, our embassy has been evacuated, and as we reported here, the same Islamists we supported have established a caliphate in eastern Libya.Last night, President Obama had the chance to define a clear and present evil in our time. ISIS represents the Nazis of this century. There is no clearer portrayal of 7th century barbarism than this movement which we have allowed to gain strength, momentum and victory. Its blitz across Syria and Iraq can easily be compared to that of the 20th century blitzkrieg of Hitler. And the savagery being inflicted is beyond belief — consider the marking of Christian homes — history does repeat itself.President Obama hid behind the excuse of Iraqi government reconciliation — destroying ISIS is not linked to the success or failure of Iraq’s governance. The destruction of ISIS is a global imperative — and someone has to lead. President Obama referred last night to opening discussions with other partners, the UN (who backs Hamas), and I suppose he will chat with a local Kiwanis Club and the Boy Scouts. Last night was a moment where Barack Hussein Obama could have shown Churchill-like leadership — instead he took the cautious path of Neville Chamberlain. And again, why was he so anxious in Libya and not now?There is a quote, sometimes attributed to Sir Edmund Burke: “all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” In the grander scheme, bombing some artillery pieces is doing nothing. If I were Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi listening to Obama last night — and trust me he was – he isn’t threatened. Evil has knocked on Barack Obama’s door on his watch. You can’t just turn up the volume on the TV inside and attempt to ignore it. Frankly, it’s like Obama turned on the sprinkler system to try and scare it away.Would you like more detail on the evil we face? How about the fact that ISIS is actually beheading children.
In the interview with CNN’s Jonathan Mann, Chaldean-American businessman Mark Arabo said that the “world hasn’t seen an evil like this for generations.” “There is a park in Mosul, where [ISIS] they actually beheaded children and put their heads on a stick and have them in the park,” he explained. “More children are getting beheaded, mothers are getting raped and killed, and fathers are being hung.”Last night Obama could have made the case for that evil – but he did not. We hear that compassion means allowing illegals to invade America. We condemn Israel for defending itself against a declared Islamic terrorist organization that exists to destroy it — and will dig tunnels under Israeli kindergartens to do it. In ISIS we have the embodiment of evil and we have a tongued-tied President Obama who just will not say it is so.ISIS is not something that just appeared over night. This monstrosity has festered over almost a year — and the Obama administration has watched. I’ve been on the battlefields of the 21st Century. The enemy only understands one language: the language of strength. Unfortunately that was not spoken last night by President Barack Hussein Obama.All you needed to say last night, Mr. President, was this:“I must apologize for allowing this evil to be born and grow. I ran as a president who wanted to end wars. I now realize my campaign promises and personal desires are not of any consideration, because the enemy also has a vote.The Islamic State represents the most reprehensible evil the world has seen since that of Nazi Germany — and the world did nothing then. I shall not allow this on my watch. America will lead and we shall destroy this 7th century barbarism. Tonight, I am committing American military power to kill ISIS, wherever it is. If America sees the black flag we shall kill those who raise it.First however, we will rescue the Yazidi and Christians trapped in the Sinjar mountains — and we shall kill any ISIS forces impeding that objective. Then in concert with our Kurdish allies, we will begin a committed offensive operation to ensure that Islamic totalitarianism and jihadism is defeated. God bless liberty and freedom. God bless America….and God curse ISIS.”Sadly, that was not said, and the situation is even more confused than ever._____________________
The reason the president did not proclaim "God bless America" is because does not believe in God. He believes in Allah. As you read in my tweeted debate with the Muslim gentleman from Santa Barbara, I made it abundantly clear that I do not recognize Allah as my God, Isa as having ever been Jesus and furthermore, I consider it offensive to read Islamic verses from the Quran stating all the right things about Jesus Christ, except for how He never was crucified. To read verses from the Quran only proves what Muslims believe it must do in order to coexist with Christians: relegate all who are disciples of Christ to slaves just as they believe Jesus was a slave to Allah, who is not God but in my estimation, Satan.
ISLAM1. Do Muslims believe he was a Messenger of One God? YESBelief in all of the Prophets and Messengers of God is a fundamental article of faith in Islam. Thus, believing in Prophets Adam, Jesus, Moses, and Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon them) is a requirement for anyone who calls him or herself a Muslim. A person claiming to be a Muslim who, for instance, denies the Messengership of Jesus, is not considered a Muslim.The Quran says in reference to the status of Jesus as a Messenger:"The Messiah (Jesus), son of Mary, was no more than a Messenger before whom many Messengers have passed away; and his mother adhered wholly to truthfulness, and they both ate food (as other mortals do). See how We make Our signs clear to them; and see where they are turning away!" (Quran 5:75).2. Do Muslims believe he was born of a Virgin Mother? YESLike Christians, Muslims believe Mary, Maria in Spanish, or Maryam as she is called in Arabic, was a chaste, virgin woman, who miraculously gave birth to Jesus."Relate in the Book the story of Mary, when she withdrew from her family, to a place in the East. She screened herself from them; then We sent to her Our spirit (angel Gabriel) and he appeared before her as a man in all respects. She said: I seek refuge from you in God Most Gracious (come not near) if you do fear God. He said: Nay, I am only a Messenger from your Lord, to announce to you the gift of a pure son. She said: How shall I have a son, when no man has ever touched me, and I am not unchaste? He said: So it will be, your Lord says: ‘That is easy for Me; and We wish to appoint him as a sign unto men and a Mercy from Us': It was a matter so decreed" (Quran 19:16-21).3. Do Muslims believe Jesus had a miraculous birth? YESThe Quran says:"She (Mary) said: ‘O my Lord! How shall I have a son when no man has touched me.' He (God) said: ‘So (it will be) for God creates what He wills. When He has decreed something, He says to it only: ‘Be!'- and it is" (3:47).It should also be noted about his birth that:"Verily, the likeness of Jesus in God's Sight is the likeness of Adam. He (God) created him from dust, then (He) said to him: ‘Be!'-and he was" (Quran 3:59).4. Do Muslims believe Jesus spoke in the cradle? YES"Then she (Mary) pointed to him. They said: ‘How can we talk to one who is a child in the cradle?' He (Jesus) said: ‘Verily! I am a slave of God, He has given me the Scripture and made me a Prophet; " (19:29-30).5. Do Muslims believe he performed miracles? YESMuslims, like Christians believe Jesus performed miracles. But these were performed by the will and permission of God, Who has power and control over all things."Then will God say: ‘O Jesus the son of Mary! recount My favor to you and to your mother. Behold! I strengthened you with the Holy Spirit (the angel Gabriel) so that you did speak to the people in childhood and in maturity. Behold! I taught you the Book and Wisdom, the Law and the Gospel. And behold: you make out of clay, as it were, the figure of a bird, by My leave, and you breathe into it, and it becomes a bird by My leave, and you heal those born blind, and the lepers by My leave. And behold! you bring forth the dead by My leave. And behold! I did restrain the children of Israel from (violence to you) when you did show them the Clear Signs, and the unbelievers among them said: ‘This is nothing but evident magic' (5:110).6. Do Muslims believe in the Trinity? NOMuslims believe in the Absolute Oneness of God, Who is a Supreme Being free of human limitations, needs and wants. He has no partners in His Divinity. He is the Creator of everything and is completely separate from His creation.God says in the Quran regarding the Trinity:"People of the Book (Jews and Christians)! Do not exceed the limits in your religion, and attribute to God nothing except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, was only a Messenger of God, and His command that He conveyed unto Mary, and a spirit from Him. So believe in God and in His Messengers, and do not say: ‘God is a Trinity.' Give up this assertion; it would be better for you. God is indeed just One God. Far be it from His glory that He should have a son. To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and in the earth. God is sufficient for a guardian" (Quran 4:171).7. Do Muslims believe that Jesus was the son of God? NO"Say: "God is Unique! God, the Source [of everything]. He has not fathered anyone nor was He fathered, and there is nothing comparable to Him!" (Quran 112:1-4).The Quran also states:"Such was Jesus, the son of Mary; it is a statement of truth, about which they vainly dispute. It is not befitting to the majesty of God, that He should beget a son. Glory be to Him! When He determines a matter, He only says to it, ‘Be' and it is" (Quran 19:34-35).8. Do Muslims believe Jesus was killed on the cross then resurrected? NO"“They did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, but they thought they did.” (Quran 4:156) “God lifted him up to His presence. God is Almighty, All-Wise” (Quran 4:157) .______________
Islam claims Jesus appears in "the image of Adam", and thus is not our Savior due to his serving as an emblem of the first man's Original Sin, the entire purpose of why Jesus saved our souls upon His dying upon The Cross. Most maddening is the following reiteration of a very inflammatory verse:
Or the faith's disavowal of Trinitarianism:‘Verily! I am a slave of God, He has given me the Scripture and made me a Prophet; " (19:29-30).
Islam claims Jesus was not The Son of God:"People of the Book (Jews and Christians)! Do not exceed the limits in your religion, and attribute to God nothing except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, was only a Messenger of God, and His command that He conveyed unto Mary, and a spirit from Him. So believe in God and in His Messengers, and do not say: ‘God is a Trinity."
"Say: "God is Unique! God, the Source [of everything]. He has not fathered anyone nor was He fathered, and there is nothing comparable to Him!" (Quran 112:1-4).
Finally, the most damnable lie the Quran tells is how Jesus never having died on The Cross:"Such was Jesus, the son of Mary; it is a statement of truth, about which they vainly dispute. It is not befitting to the majesty of God, that He should beget a son. Glory be to Him! When He determines a matter, He only says to it, ‘Be' and it is" (Quran 19:34-35).
"“They did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, but they thought they did.” (Quran 4:156) “God lifted him up to His presence. God is Almighty, All-Wise” (Quran 4:157) .
The matter that Islam teaches these lies assists its worshippers in justifying lying to achieve its barbaric measures for committing genocide against "people of the book".________________
Conclusion: Shall We Dare to Live, or Die from Idleness?
Below was the deadliest proclamation for peace in human history. British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain declared upon returning to London from Munich following signing the peace agreement with Adolf Hitler to pursue no further expansionist ambitions that there is to be "peace in our time." But you and I have read a great deal about history; we choose to learn from our mistakes tradition hath wrought upon us. We conservatives opt to hearken upon the past for valuable lessons on continuing what always has worked and what needs to change. We are not at all static, but rather realists; objectivists. As Chamberlain himself was guilty of the most damnable act of appeasement ever recorded, we need only to listen to his speech and then read about the more than 60 million people globally slaughtered through combat, by way of collateral damages due to the nature of modern warfare, but most damning through genocide. Adolf Hitler was indeed guilty of this through "The Final Solution" whereby he ordered the arrests and detainment of millions of Jews, gypsies (Roma), disabled peoples and pro-Soviet sympathizers (communists) to be exterminated.
I beseech you all to watch this very short video of Prime Minister Chamberlain, the arrogance of his unwitting cowardice to avoid conflict over a growing set of wrongful abuses and imperial conquests on the continent, and finally in his serving as the emblem for the final toppling of the British Empire:
I beseech you all to watch this very short video of Prime Minister Chamberlain, the arrogance of his unwitting cowardice to avoid conflict over a growing set of wrongful abuses and imperial conquests on the continent, and finally in his serving as the emblem for the final toppling of the British Empire:
Hitler's orders for the extermination of those he considered undesirable to remain mum before the general public may be viewed in the following photograph:
![]() |
Bormann's letter banning public mention of the final solution |
Immediately below is an excoriating statement by four-star (full) Gen. Barry McCaffrey (U.S.A., ret.), who in discussing the air strikes with NBC political analyst Chuck Todd that President Obama’s intent to use limited force in response to the “huge tragedy unfolding” in Iraq demonstrates the administration’s “muddled thinking.”
The Associated Press last night reported that the president wants to "contain, not destroy" ISIS. In a harsh criticism of this policy of appeasement, which Robert Burns and Lara Jakes quoted Sen. John McCain who referenced it as containment akin to the Cold War's first measure of opposing Soviet expansionism globally, he explains why such a strategy not only will not work, but why it never can, nor will it ever:
WASHINGTON (AP) - President Barack Obama's new military strategy in Iraq amounts to trying to contain - not destroy - the Islamic militant group that now controls much of the country's northern region. That leaves open the questions of how deeply the U.S. will be drawn into the sectarian conflict, and whether airstrikes alone can stop the militants' momentum.
Obama insists he will not send American ground troops back to Iraq after having withdrawn them in 2011, fulfilling a campaign promise. Still, even the limited airstrikes against the vicious insurgency show the president's conviction that the U.S. military cannot remain dormant after having fought an eight-year war that temporarily neutralized Sunni extremists but failed to produce lasting peace.
U.S. military jets launched several airstrikes Friday on isolated targets, including two mortar positions and a vehicle convoy in northeastern Iraq, near the country's Kurdish capital of Irbil. U.S. officials announced Friday night the second airdrop of food and water in as many days for imperiled refugees in northwestern Iraq.
The next move may be up to the Islamic State group, the al-Qaida inspired extremists who have chewed up Iraqi opposition so far.
About three dozen U.S. military trainers and a U.S. consulate are in Irbil, where Kurdish forces are fighting off a militant advance. That's no easy defense.
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said of the Islamic State group, "They are well organized and they're armed and they are a significant threat to the stability of Iraq."
Will there be further airstrikes? State Department deputy spokeswoman Marie Harf said the Islamic State group must at least halt its advance on Irbil to prevent further strikes.
Iraq has been pleading for months, if not years, for additional U.S. military help to combat the extremists, but the U.S. pulled out of Iraq in part because it couldn't reach an agreement with the government on legal immunity for U.S. troops. Harf said the Obama administration acted now out of concern that "there was a crisis that had the potential to get much worse."
U.S. officials said the Islamic State extremists in recent days have shown military skill, including using artillery in sophisticated synchronization with other heavy weapons. Their force had overwhelmed not only Iraqi government troops but also the outgunned Kurdish militia.
The Obama administration steadfastly insists the airstrikes and humanitarian airdrops are not the start of an open-ended campaign to defeat the militants.
The president's critics say his approach is too narrow.
"A policy of containment will not work," Sens. John McCain and Lindsey Graham said in a joint statement. They are among the chief critics of Obama's foreign policy in general, beginning with his decision to stick to the 2011 timetable set by President George W. Bush for a full withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq.
The Islamic militants are "inherently expansionist and must be stopped," the senators said. "The longer we wait to act, the worse this threat will become."
Beyond airstrikes, the administration has been asked to provide arms directly to the Kurdish forces defending Irbil. Until now, the U.S. has been willing to do that only through the central government in Baghdad, which has long feuded with the semi-autonomous Kurdish government in Iraq's north.
Michael Barbero, a retired Army general who ran the U.S. training mission in Iraq from 2009 to 2011, said Baghdad never delivered about $200 million worth of American weapons that were designated for the Kurds. Pentagon officials maintain they can provide arms only to the Iraqi government, although Harf said Friday the Kurdish forces play a critical role in the crisis.
"We understand their need for additional arms and equipment and are working to provide those as well so they are reinforced," she said.
The CIA could supply the Kurds under a covert operation. An agency spokesman declined comment when asked whether that was happening.
In announcing his decision to intervene militarily, Obama stated plainly that he would not allow the U.S. "to be dragged into fighting another war in Iraq."
But Obama's limited use of air power leads some to ask whether that approach will make a lasting difference. It also raises questions about whether Obama underestimated the staying power of the extremists, who control an impressive stretch of territory from the outskirts of the Syrian city of Aleppo to most Sunni-dominated areas of northern and western Iraq, up to the edges of Baghdad.
The insurgents frequently launch bombings and other attacks in Baghdad, mostly targeting Shiites and government officials, often within sight and hearing of the U.S. Embassy, which is located in the capital's heavily fortified Green Zone. In another sign of the region's instability, the State Department on Friday warned U.S. citizens against all but essential travel to Iraq and said those in the country were at high risk for kidnapping and terrorist violence.
"I think the administration realizes that we're dealing with that rarest of things in President Obama's world, which is a military situation that has to be resolved militarily," said James F. Jeffrey, who was the U.S. ambassador in Baghdad when American troops withdrew from Iraq in 2011. The basic problem, Jeffrey said, is "these guys have to be stopped. And it's not a matter of whether the U.S. should stop them - it's a matter of when."
Across the Mideast, the U.S. has deployed considerable military power, including warplanes and an air operations center in the Persian Gulf state of Qatar. Additionally, the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush currently is located in the Persian Gulf and was the launching site for Friday's airstrikes.
The crisis appears to be falling to Washington to deal with - despite Obama's consultations with other nations and the U.N. - as the U.S. struggles with the parallel challenge of Islamic extremists' gains in neighboring Syria. Vice President Joe Biden, in a call Friday to Iraqi President Fuad Masum, emphasized the threat the extremists present to all Iraqis and affirmed U.S. support, the White House said.
The Islamic State fighters have been surprisingly successful in pursing their stated goal of creating a caliphate, or Islamic religious state, straddling Iraq and Syria. The extremists are a mix of Iraqis and Syrians as well as foreign fighters.
U.S. intelligence officials say some of the Islamic State's fighters have military training, and the group's recent seizure of the Iraqi army's American-supplied armored vehicles, weapons and ammunition has left it better armed than its Kurdish opponents.
Containing the fighters "will require a sustained ground effort," said Cedric Leighton, a retired Air Force colonel and intelligence specialist. "It should be a coalition effort" in concert with local Iraqi forces, he said.
Others, however, say even a small taste of American air power may be enough to tip the balance.
The Islamic State "may be good at beheading bound captives and threatening helpless civilians, but they have not yet undergone the kind of physical and psychological trauma that American airpower can impose upon them," said Charles Dunlap Jr., a former Air Force lawyer and now a Duke University law professor.
Associated Press writers Ken Dilanian and Lolita C. Baldor, and AP Radio reporter Sagar Meghani contributed to this story.
Conclusion: The Stench of Appeasement will Bring About a Third Global War***
Appeasement has a rather nauseating stench, ladies and gentlemen, and it wrought upon the world the most terrible war in human history, its ripple effects which we today continue to bear as our penance for permitting evil to be done. The issue that only two 500-pound bombs struck the "Iraqi Pentagon" is most telling in the president's resolve to solve a crisis. If he is intent upon merely containing ISIS in a nation that was already sovereign, which the president claim was "solvent" and "self-reliant" just three years ago, the remainder of the embattled nation will fall to ISIS, Kurd rebels will be slaughtered in that measure of genocide, all Christians killed or expelled, and eventually their focus shifted to invading Lebanon and Turkey. And once Iraq invades Turkey, it will have spread to Europe, invaded our strategic NATO ally furthest to the East, and ultimately there will be the final shot heard 'round the world; for upon that moment, the third global war will be initiated, and the launch of ISIS's official campaign to first conquer Europe and then the U.S. as well in accordance to the concluding video of this blog.
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