"THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated. Britain, with an army to enforce her tyranny, has declared that she has a right (not only to TAX) but "to BIND us in ALL CASES WHATSOEVER," and if being bound in that manner, is not slavery, then is there not such a thing as slavery upon earth. Even the expression is impious; for so unlimited a power can belong only to God."
- Thomas Paine, The American Crisis (1776)
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Scanned original publication of Thomas Paine's The American Crisis (1776) |
Topic: The Global Crisis
Ladies and gentlemen, I called this inevitable invasion in the spring when ISIS formed the Islamic State as it conquered Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. The lone means of successfully manifesting their global caliphate is to invade Anatolia. The Islamic State threatened over the weekend to invade Turkey, which will spell calamity for all and the last global war to be launched. Once they invade Turkey - this is not a matter of "if" they will, but "when" - they will have attacked a NATO ally of the U.S. and Europe on its sovereign soil, and America is obligated to defend the government in Ankara who is our ally due to its 62 year membership in NATO. Russia historically has coveted total control of the Bosporus Strait separating the Balkan Peninsula from Istanbul (Constantinople); the Russian Empire dating to Czarina Catherine the Great waged numerous wars against the Ottoman Empire over control of the Bosporus Strait, but also the Crimean Peninsula. Once the threat of ISIS reaches where it might invade one of the former Soviet republics, Vladimir Putin will be faced with the single great dichotomy in Russian history as to whether he will remain inactive and allow ISIS attack his NATO foes and take the opportunity to invade Eastern Europe through this political diversion, or to join NATO in encircling ISIS from the east as the U.S. and the rest of NATO drives towards ISIS from the west.
This is not a matter of "if" ISIS is going to invade Turkey; rather, the question is "when" they will do so, and whether Hamas and Hezbollah either join them as allies or disengage and fight over what they too desire: their own formation of a caliphate in accordance to their design. For the first time since the Ottoman hordes sacked Constantinople and toppled the Byzantine Empire in 1453. The world, not just America or NATO and our Israeli allies who will always maintain their very special relationship with us long after President Obama is gone, faces its greatest existential threat to its existence in its history. No life on any of the six settled continents is free nor will be spared from the hordes diffusing across the Arab world through the genocide of thousands of Christians and all who are impediments to their absolute power in accordance to their interpretation of the Quran. As all terrorist cells are linked globally, the world must always remain cognizant of this. If we are to slay the leviathan, all its heads must be severed. With our allies across the Atlantic and in defense of the sovereign state guarding Jerusalem, the following phrase by Benjamin Franklin during the American Revolution is most imperative and beyond the need of provocative thought:
"We must, indeed, all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately."
-In the Continental Congress just before signingthe Declaration of Independence, 1776.
The Islamic State Arrives Across from the White House and in Jerusalem:
With the president the same as admitted his intention to limited even the airstrikes over Iraq and never once discussing the same situations in Syria and Lebanon, the problem has diffused well beyond the fledgling caliphate. Over the weekend, I read first in The Times of Israel of the Islamic State's flag with its emblem located in Jerusalem where it previously had not been, nor had any insurgency of the organization occurred; it since has been removed from the site. The following piece by Before It is New addresses the very frightening proposition that it has officially dispatched agents into the Holy Land:
As we witness the brutalization of Iraq by the ISIS terror organization consider this: this Islamic march of death leads to Jerusalem. The leading result of the call of the people in the Arab world for the overthrow of unsatisfactory leaders has been their cause being hijacked by insurgent jihadist terrorists.We saw that in Libya with the fall of Gadhafi. We saw it in Egypt where Mubarak was replaced by the Muslim Brotherhood, in this case an in-house jihadist movement. We see it in Syria where the people’s cry against Assad has led to an influx of Al-Qaida type groups vying for dominance. Now we witness the conquest of Iraq by a vicious Islamic terror regime against which Al-Qaida pales into moderation.The Islamic State of Iraq (ISIS) is headed by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. He transformed a few small terror cells into the most brutal and lethal terror group on earth. Mercy is not in this man’s vocabulary. Abu Bakr picked up the mantle after Abu Omar al Baghdadi was killed in a joint U.S.-Iraqi operation in 2010. Al-Qaida in Iraq was under the leadership of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi who, in a 2005 letter to the head of Al-Qaida, Ayman al-Zawahiri, put the aims of Al-Qaida in Iraq into four stages;1. Drive America out of Iraq.2. Create a Caliphate in Iraq.3. Use that as a base to attack other countries.4. Attack Israel.When both al-Zarqawi and al-Baghdadi were killed by American forces it looked as if Al-Qaida was decimated in Iraq, but Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi reformed a weakening terror group by leading it in battle, honing its fighters’ training and experience in Iraq and Syria, and by using political savvy to link his growing group to local and tribal demands and interests. It became both a fighting force and a social benefactor, winning local hearts and minds along a bloody path of victory. He absorbed the al-Nusra Front terror group in Syria into his ranks, demanding their obedience. Seeing the growing threat, Al-Qaida’s al-Zarqawi, from his hiding place somewhere in Afghanistan or Pakistan, criticized ISIS for not concentrating on Iraq. In response, a confident ISIS hit back, accusing the Al-Qaida chief of “Sheikh Osama (bin Laden) gathered all the mujahedeen with one word, but you divided them and tore them apart.”ISIS has attracted thousands of foreign fighters to its ranks, increasing its power and size. The shockwaves caused by its Iraqi Blitzkreig in seizing the towns of Mosul, Tikrit, and Fallujah was met by a mocking response by ISIS.“The battle is not yet raging, but it will rage in Baghdad and Karbala. Put on your belts and get ready” as they contemptuously called Iraqi leader, Nouri al-Maliki, an “underwear salesman.”Clearly, the battle for Iraq is along sectarian lines with the Sunni ISIS, representing the majority of Iraqis, challenging the Shia al-Maliki rule. Clear also was al-Maliki’s refusal to allow American forces to stay on in Iraq, but the ISIS victories were enhanced by the military vacuum in Iraq following the American pullout, and this responsibility can be put at Obama’s White House door.Obama’s self-proclaimed foreign-policy “achievements” have been U.S. troop withdrawals from Iraq, and “Al-Qaida has been decimated and is on the run!” These two boasts have now come back to haunt him. Al-Qaida has morphed into a bigger monster that is about to take over Iraq. And what was President Obama’s response?“We don’t have the resources. Let the local leaders deal with them.”This is shortsighted weakness, and dangerous. This was emphasized on Friday, June 13, when Obama, confronted by the deteriorating situation in Iraq, decided to head off to California for a fund-raising event and some golf. America spilled blood and treasure in Iraq including 4500 lives, $17 billion in military training to Iraqi forces, and $15 billion in military equipment. Now ISIS terrorists are seen driving around in American military Humvees.The United States embassy in Baghdad is the largest global American embassy. It has 15,000 workers. It would be a mistake to think that they did not pick up intelligence on the gathering Islamic terror storm. They did, and it fed it up the chain to the State Department and the White House, for months. Neither of those bodies acted on the intel. As one staffer told Lt. Colonel Ralph Peters,“We couldn’t convince the President that this is serious!”Now the Baghdad embassy could be under ISIS fire, making Benghazi look like child’s play. And the attack on Americans will not end there. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was captured, imprisoned, and then released by America in Iraq, just as Obama recently released the five top Al-Qaida/Taliban prisoners at Gitmo.America, and others, will pay for both these foolish gestures. As Ken King, the commander of the Bucco Camp that was ordered to release al-Baghdadi, related on the Fox News “Kelly Files” program, as a parting shot the ISIS leader glared at King and warned:“I’ll see you in New York!”In a strange twist on “the enemy of my enemy is my friend,” Republican lawmakers called for a partnership with Iran to stop ISIS from attacking Baghdad. Senator Lindsey Graham warned that ISIS “will eventually march on Jordan and Lebanon. They’re going to take the King of Jordan down.” The unspoken implication is that Israel will be next. ISIS is now pumping Iraqi oil. It grabbed half a trillion dollars when it seized Iraq’s central bank in Mosul making it the richest terrorist organization in the world. ISIS has been called too extreme for Al-Qaida with justification. Al-Baghdadi is being crowned “the next Bin Laden.”
Appeasement does not a leader make. Note I intentionally refrained from the usage of either "good", "great", "bad" or "terrible". To garner any one of those four distinguished adjectives would entail being described as "a leader". There is not one characteristic redeemable of the president here because he does not lead; he golfs on the weekends or attends multiple fundraisers every week. And again, why did the FBI release Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi from Guantanamo Bay detention center as he did the top five terrorists with the al-Qaeda alliance with the Taliban? Why again are U.S. military vehicles being used by the Islamic State in both Iraq and Syria to this very day?
To answer you with some satisfaction, refer to this key Iraqi politician and philosopher of the Islamic faith:
To answer you with some satisfaction, refer to this key Iraqi politician and philosopher of the Islamic faith:
Even the Russians see Obama's strategy of playing sides to see which emerges as the strongest of the lot:
I only disagree with Scottish gentleman from the realm of United Nation's legitimization of the conflict; the issue of "third world poverty" is quite another, but will not be discussed in this article. The UN not only will never solve this issue, it is the problem. The UN is colluding with Obama on this issue; it is serving as his faux third-party conduit to provide arms, munitions and hundreds of millions of dollars to finance Hamas' role in this war. Qatar, one of Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood's major regional supporters. The gentleman failed to acknowledge that chemical and biological warfare agents and nuclear weapons have been recovered by the Islamic State over the past two months. The UN, which sent weapons inspectors under the direction of Hans Blix during the early 2000s, failed to locate these weapons; so too did our military as well as the British Royal Army. Engaging such a social and political powder keg with any state or terrorist organization in the Middle East is not only shortsighted - a comment I firmly agree upon with Scotsman, but dangerous; Obama is now facing his worst nightmare as a result. And when a government funds proxy wars in Syria and fails to research just who it is and if they will remain true to the cause for liberation, everyone loses, and so too are the people living the daily threat of violent executions at the direction of al-Baghdadi.
For any president, his sole duty if all others are cast aside is to preserve America's sovereignty by way of our fiscal solvency and national security. I posted in the article revealing Obama's funding of the Islamic State (formerly known as ISIS) as well as Hamas and his position according to Egyptian media as a high-ranking official within the Muslim Brotherhood, but also in his funding subversion in Latin America in proxy wars or dictatorships friendly to his influence in that nations that included engaging in amnesty policies with us. The president also used Panamanian and Venezuelan civilians to enter Cuba to research its society, most especially its form of socialized medicine in 2009. Strikingly, America's health system is rather similar to Cuba's: medicine is too expensive today under Obamacare than ever before in our history, and the wealthy and foreigners continue to enjoy greater access to quality health care than our own middle class and impoverished.
The greatest danger always unfolds when irresponsible fiscal policy leads to breaches in the national security. With the border breaches leading to what I am about to show you in photographed tweets, it becomes difficult to discern just what are the president's goals for America and if they entail its very dissolution of a sovereign one-state political map by manufacturing it into a hemisphere-wide Pan-American state, with Canada the likely outlier in dissent:
And most disturbing of all after a toddler breached the White House's fencing just a day or two prior was this photograph tweeted under the cover of night across from the White House:
Assuming these are verifiable, the war has landed on our soil. And most likely, the Islamic State agents arrived by crossing our border from Mexico and the rest of Latin America.
The tweet immediately above resulted in the Twitter account being deleted.
The Islamic State Threatens to Invade Turkey
The Islamic State Threatens to Invade Turkey
As stated in the introductory paragraph, the third global war will be launched following the Islamic State's invasion of Turkey. This is not a matter of "if", but rather "when". The Times of Israel reports the following, and it should serve as both a wake-up call and a rallying cry to avoid appeasing the Islamic State at all costs as British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain made the same fatal mistake with Adolf Hitler at Munich in 1938:
Islamic State levels threat at TurkeyRadical terrorist group active in Syria and Iraq says Turkey must reopen Euphrates dam — or be conqueredBY YIFA YAAKOV August 9, 2014, 11:44 pm 25
The Islamist State, the al-Qaeda offshoot that has been terrorizing and executing its way through Syria and Iraq in recent months, may have its sights set on Turkey next, a rare interview with one of its members published Saturday indicated.The hardline Sunni group, which some American officials have dubbed “a terrorist army,” recently overpowered lightly armed Kurdish units in a blitzkrieg that has threatened the Kurdish region and the American personnel stationed there, causing US military forces to respond with airstrikes — and drawing Washington back into the Iraqi fray.But now, the Islamic State may have a new target — Turkey.In an interview with an Islamic State operative in Raqqa, Syria, where the group’s stronghold is located, VICE reporter Medyan Dairieh — who was said by VICE to have gained “unprecedented access to the group in Iraq and Syria,” and who the Turkish Hurriyet daily said was the first journalist to expose the inner workings of IS — was told that the “apostate” Turkish state would have to capitulate to IS’s demands — or be conquered.These demands are, chiefly, the reopening of a Turkish dam on the Euphrates River, preventing drinking water from reaching neighboring Syria.The Ataturk Dam, located close to the Turkish-Syrian border, was closed earlier this year.“I pray to God that the apostate [Turkish] government reconsiders its decisions [to close the dam]. Because of they don’t reconsider it now, we’ll consider it for them by liberating Istanbul,” warned the IS operative in the interview, which was conducted on the banks of the Euphrates, with the operatives’ children splashing about in its waters in the background.Dairieh, who was embedded with IS for three weeks, then asked the operative if his words were meant as a threat.“Yes, this is a clear threat, and God willing, if they don’t open it, we’ll open it from Istanbul,” he warned.Dairieh’s report, which was aired in two parts starting August 7, also showed a Belgian IS member indoctrinating children to kill “all infidels” — including in their native Belgium and Europe — and revive the Islamic Caliphate.The roots of IS hark back to the uprising against Syrian President Bashar Assad and the attempt by Western-backed rebel groups to overthrow his Ba’athist regime. As the months passed, the fighting morphed into a brutal civil war, causing the country to descend into chaos and creating a vacuum into which Islamist terror groups — as well as more extreme breakaways such as IS — could step.
Keep in mind again that Turkey is a member of NATO, a strategic partner since 1952 as the easternmost state in the alliance. The list of member states may be accessed on NATO's official website. The Istanbul Cooperation Initiative, which expands to other Middle East states, is located here.
The Border Crisis' Most Disturbing Find from Pakistan and Afghanistan:
For months now, we have read about Middle Easterners arrested as members connected with Hamas among other terrorist cells by Gov. Rick Perry's National Guard and what little border patrol remains along the Rio Grande border. I have yet to address this issue due to time constraints as well as ill-health, but it should now be revealed. IJ Review reported this in July, and what you will see, while not causing reason to be shocked, is indeed an indictment on America's national security situation:
What This Rancher Found Near The Mexican Border Should Sound The Alarms77,616 Shares By Kevin Boyd
Texas rancher Mike Vickers found an odd book on his property: an Urdu-to-English dictionary. Urdu is the official language of Pakistan, and is spoken in Muslim areas of India and parts of Afghanistan.
This is certainly an unusual item to find on the border of Mexico, which is a Spanish-speaking country. From The Blaze:
While local ranchers have to contend with torn-up fences, broken water lines, contaminated wells and robbery on a daily basis from illegal immigrants streaming through, a Texas Border Patrol agent told The Blaze there is “no doubt” that among the hordes of Central Americans are also crossers from Pakistan and Afghanistan, raising significant national security concerns.
“We have limited resources,” said the agent, who was not authorized to speak publicly. “It’s frustrating for all of us and there’s no doubt that we have OTMs [Other Than Mexicans] coming from Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia and other parts of the world that we are very concerned with — these guys won’t be turning themselves into Border Patrol like the family units or children.
I expect we’ll see more the OTMs of special interest this year and next, now that they know they can get in easier and they won’t be turned back home.”
“We’ve found Korans, prayer rugs and many other unusual items at the border that certainly raise concern,” the agent said.
While many on the left describe the crisis on the border as “humanitarian,” the real crisis is the fact that people from all over the world – including the Middle East – now have the ability to cross freely into America – without proof of identification.
The enemy is, in fact, here. It has been here for five and a half year. And he resides in the White House. I have accepted that the expansion of the Islamic State is to trend towards Turkey and that warfare is inevitable. This has to be stopped before that invasion is launched, for it Turkey falls, so too will Europe, as nearly a quarter of the continent's population are, in fact, Muslims, most of whom are sympathetic to Hamas and thousands having left their homes to fight for the Islamic State. The chart below will demonstrate where it has expanded already:
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The intended expansion of the Islamic State, which leaders into the Iberian Peninsula once ruled by the Moors, and into the Balkans, the Indian Subcontinent and Russian territory. |
This cannot happen. If I could medically be cleared to fight in our armed forces, I would lay down my life not simply as an American citizen, but as a Christian. The next article will describe the Islamic State's genocide of Christians, and in the future, one dedicated to Boko Haram and the Obama administration's role in its formation.
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