Topic: Why Conservatism Struggles to Dominate National Elections - and It Has Nothing to Do with Race and Gender Roles
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Cartoon of a greedy FDR and diminutive Congress. Based on Charles Dickens' Oliver Twist |
I. Preface: Graduation from College - My Greatest Accomplishment Due to Sacrifices of My Health over 11 Years
My alma mater, the University of Tennessee, was founded in 1794 at Knoxville under the title "East Tennessee College". It is the second oldest state university nationally behind fellow SEC institution, the University of Georgia. I take great pride in being an alumnus at UT because it was my dream destination for higher education. I have been a lifelong Vol fan, watching my first full-season as a devoted follower during the 1989 when the Big Orange shared a threeway tie for the SEC Championships with Alabama and Auburn and won in dramatic fashion the 1990 Mobil Cotton Bowl Classic over SWC Champion Arkansas 31-27 during the latter years of its major bowl prestige destination. That Cotton Bowl Classic game is the first actual memory I have watching any postseason bowl game for Tennessee as I was only eight years old. Chuck Webb rushed for 250 yards on 26 carries for two touchdowns in what launched the Vols on its course to 18 years of dominance. I learned a great deal in my History and Political Science courses; my degrees are, in fact, in both those fields. I made strong, lasting friendships with my much younger peers and one professor who despite having nothing at all in common with me politically, will forever be a woman I treasure for how she always stood by me during my times of trouble whether or not I took any one of the four courses under her during those years.
I attended college a very grueling 11 years, but not because I earned a Ph.D or any J.D. distinctions. I suffer from bipolar disorder, and because of this, I was forced to withdraw multiple semesters due to severe depression or mania crippling my capacity to function without extraordinary stress or fears of worse issues. I also suffered through four nervous breakdowns, each of which completely incapacitated me in the case of the last one in 2006, for two years after losing a job due to my having to call in frequently after major panic attacks, anxieties and finally my nerves crashing. From my first major in Music Education that lasted three days of class in August 2000 at UT, to five years of life in neutral at a local community college at my parents' insistence and finally, graduating from the University of Tennessee on May 11, 2012 just one month, four days shy of my 31st birthday, I take that one accomplishment in my adult life very seriously. Nature may take away my mental health and now it appears, chip away at my actual body due to five medications to counteract the side effects from the five psychotropic medications, but no one will ever be able to say I did not complete my college education, and I am eternally grateful to God, my family and so many close friends who never left my side even when I was not at my best with them.
Immediately below is a photograph of my family and I at graduation more than two years ago. It was held at Thompson-Boling Arena on campus. Mother is on the bottom right-hand side beneath my arm; Dad is to the back. But that little angel in sweat clothes is Laura, my now-30 year old sister. She was diagnosed at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1988 with autism, and I actually recall well that week as I was no less than six depending upon the summer month the remainder of the family journeyed there for tests. I stayed at Granny's house that entire week, and I remember she and I saw Bambi at a theater in the Chattanooga area where she resided. Also that week, Granny canned preserves as I recollect, like peach preserves, because a now-deceased old friend of hers spent significant time one day at her house. I once had photographic memory prior to my diagnosis with bipolar disorder in May 2002 at the age of 20; I had been diagnosed just a year before with severe depression due to my dreams of a career in music falling flat after physical abnormalities in my feet plus a grueling eight-class schedule almost destroyed me. I will never take for granted too many details in life again because I sacrificed much just to graduated in 11 years time.
I would gladly lay down my life so that hers could be spared should the time ever arise. While my parents, Granny and my uncle and his family never wavered in their support and confidence, I did, and still do today. Without Laura, I would have never made it. All I have to do is take one good look at her, and I then can place my situation into a different perspective. Because of this, what video footage of college students who attend Harvard University as well as other colleges dominated by Marxists not only are disturbing in their bitter truth of our future's fate, but from the perspective of a person - me - who struggled just to go to class quite often while severely depressed or manic.
In concluding this tribute and mission statement for why I take education very seriously, read below Thomas Jefferson's letter to the headmasters of the University of Tennessee, formerly called East Tennessee College, from 6 May 1810, and how both his best hopes and his gravest concerns were proven prophetic.
In concluding this tribute and mission statement for why I take education very seriously, read below Thomas Jefferson's letter to the headmasters of the University of Tennessee, formerly called East Tennessee College, from 6 May 1810, and how both his best hopes and his gravest concerns were proven prophetic.
To the Trustees of the Lottery for East Tennessee CollegeMonticello May 6. 10.GentlemenI recieved some time ago your letter of Feb. 28. covering a printed scheme of a lottery for the benefit of the East Tennissee college, & proposing to send tickets to me to be disposed of. it would be impossible for them to come to a more inefficient hand. I rarely go from home & consequently see but a few neighbors & friends who occasionally call on me. and having myself made it a rule never to engage in a lottery or any other adventure of mere chance, I can, with the less candor or effect, urge it on others, however laudable & desirable it’s object may be. no one more sincerely wishes the spread of information among mankind than I do, and none has greater confidence in it’s effect towards supporting free & good government. I am sincerely rejoiced therefore to find that so excellent a fund has been provided for this noble purpose in Tennissee. 50,000. Dollars placed in a safe bank will give 4000.D. a year & even without other aid, must soon accomplish buildings sufficient for the object in it’s early stage. I consider the common plan, followed in this country, but not in others, of making one large & expensive building as unfortunately erroneous. it is infinitely better to erect a small and separate lodge for each separate professorship, with only a hall below for his class, and two chambers above for himself; joining these lodges by barracks for a certain portion of the students opening into a covered way to give a dry communication between all the schools. the whole of these arranged around an open square of grass & trees would make it, what it should be in fact, an academical village, instead of a large & common den of noise, of filth, & of fetid air. it would afford that quiet retirement so friendly to study, and lessen the dangers of fire, infection & tumult. every professor would be the police officer of the students adjacent to his own lodge, which should include those of his own class of preference, and might be at the head of their table if, as I suppose, it can be reconciled with the necessary economy to dine them in smaller & separate parties rather than in a large & common mess. these separate buildings too might be erected successively & occasionally, as the number of professorships & students should be increased, or the funds become competent. I pray you to pardon me, if I have stepped aside into the province of counsel: but much observation & reflection on these institutions have long convinced me that the large and crouded buildings in which youths are pent up, are equally unfriendly to health, to study, to manners, morals & order: & believing the plan I suggest to be more promotive of these & peculiarly adapted to the slender beginnings & progressive growth of our institutions, I hoped you would pardon the presumption in consideration of the motive, which was suggested by the difficulty expressed in your letter of procuring funds for erecting the building. but on whatever plan you proceed, I wish it every possible success, & to yourselves the reward of esteem, respect & gratitude due to those who devote their time and efforts to render the youths of every successive age fit governors for the next. to these, accept in addition the assurances of mine.Th: Jefferson
II. Conservatism Struggles in America Because Atlas Has Shrugged Away Our Youth's Education
When I graduated from UT more than two years ago, I knew well that the first 30 years of life were merely the beginning; in fact, for every second we live in our present, the future is forever ours, our destiny only our own to realize. I will never take for granted what I accomplished because the sacrifices were great and many, and my family and dearest friends paid an enormous price to ensure I held my end of the bargain to press forth and never capitulate to a momentary weakness. My grades were never great, but they were not at all terrible with the exception of one semester, which again resulted from severe depression. I did well, of course, writing papers and researching as those are crucial skills History students must develop, and they certainly aided in my approach towards learning about politics. I say I am a conservative not simply for the sake of doing so or even because it is posh; in fact, I face still major backlashes from friends I have known most of my life who are leftists while a great many others ended due to my deciding around 30 years old to stand my ground and to never yield to consensus, but rather guide by conviction. To note how some people around whom I grew up are so open-minded that what brains they have seemed to spill to the floor with the linoleum only to know the damage to its surface as its result is most disheartening, because guiding by consensus, to be open-minded, only tells me that such people are willing to abide by all other suggestions, ideas and concepts as well as social and cultural trends to which they are exposed blindly, without so much as a bat of an eyelash nor a question posed by an evident blase eye. But what is most disturbing is not that they are not willing to be open to other ideas, but rather they are discouraged by these social demagogical giants to avoid applying their own intellects and talents to the public discourse; individualism is discourage, while collectivism is mandated as a moral imperative so as not to offend others nor oppose the establishment. Like so many teenagers and young adults, I did this too; I wish now I could call upon H.G. Wells to lend me his time machine so I may travel back in time to change this. But it is through experience that we learn, how we grow as people and emerge from the ashes of our failures to become that bright fiery phoenix of Greek lore to blaze a new path the infinite space of the skyline we are willing to take flight. No one ever achieves any goal worthy of note without stepping outside his or her comfort zone; sadly, these are the people who face social consternation, persecution as well as to be met with the roasting embers of public ostracism because they dare to dream of things that have never been. A person will never achieve, per Andy Warhol, their "fifteen minutes of fame" nor be nail towering high above all others on a 2-x-4. These people are the colossuses for the new generation; they will also be the nails the social hammer beats down as its punishment. Moral relativity is only justified in order to engage in ideological flexibility should the calls of duty in times of crises beg our answer. To be absolute in moral virtue is to accept that you will never sell your for the sake of popularity.
And as Margaret Thatcher once said:
“If you just set out to be liked, you would be prepared to compromise on anything at any time, and you would achieve nothing.”
As horrific as today's collegians truly believing that America not only had one founding father, but that his name butchered George Washington and Thomas Jefferson's legacies even as she had likely no clue that George Jefferson was Sherman Hemsley's main character in the legendary 1970's/80's sitcom The Jeffersons. I might find humor in this if she meant for it to be a joke, but there is nothing about that declaration over which she was joshing us. The academic degradation and the devolution of tomorrow's best laid plans and hopes for a more prosperous world appear doomed to a fate worse than physical or spiritual death. Social decadence through the ignorance manufactured through intellectual apathy begets to free people the atrophy of free will and liberty so as to ensure our masters grow more powerful by each new darkest hour.
Most of America's presidents attended Ivy League universities or other elite schools like Stanford University and Duke University. We are taught to believe that when a student out of high school or a prep academy is accepted into Harvard University - historically one of the three top ranked Ivy League schools alongside Yale and Princeton - that individual is not only rich, but highly intelligent and driven to a life less ordinary than most. In considering this, I am shocked still to view what questions were asked of Harvard students about general political and social issues. They had no shot at squirming out of these situations once their very disturbing answers were delivered.
Woe is the world for tomorrow. The Islamic State is considered no threat, but the U.S. is per Harvard students. In one sense, though, their ignorance might serve them. Obama is the Islamic State because he is funding their weaponry and munitions, vehicles and yes, operating training camps run by our intelligence operatives. It is sad, but their ignorance actually pegged their political hero by way of being wealthy hipsters.
Now, to Fresno State University, where the hippies apparently still pervade nearly 50 years after their failure to stay grounded, and how that pot from along the Haight-Asbury must have rotted their brains.
So, if Fresno is moving forward, I would far rather retreat backward.
You may recall last year for Independence Day I posted the following video. Mark Dice, author and activist, asked random people along the beaches in California why America celebrates the Fourth of July. I choose to revisit this because the problem has only grown far worse.
Once you view these pathetic answers by young adults in California and Harvard University, can anyone deny that Kimberley Guilfoyle is not absolutely correct to sarcastically tell young women who vote based on their vaginas to "go back on Tinder"? Watch again, and tell me she is not absolutely correct.
Militant feminists in Tennessee are violently angry that Amendment 1 passed with a 54-46 margin, meaning a significant portion of actual women who approved, not tomorrow's prostitutes being funded to stay home and ensure that business stays good as regular customers for Planned Parenthood. Today's culture for women, the true war on women, teaches them that "yes" always means "no" and that consensual sex will always be subject to a convenient lie never to be checked nor successfully contested by their male victims. As TN House Speaker Beth Harwell (R) has introduced a bill that would require pregnant women to have ultrasounds performed before they can choose to carry through with an abortion is drawing the spat venom from the wealthy party favor Sandra Flukes or incestuous child molester Lena Durhams of the nation, the issue boils down to why Tennessee's militant feminists may soon grow far more so: they do not want Tennessee's taxpayers to have the right to determine how we pay for their abortions on demand. They never admit this, and they demand Tennesseans pay for their libertine behaviors' convenient mistakes. The more sexualized American society grows, the closer the present rape culture will reverse - and by reversing the rape cultural trends, the men will be raped, but in the twisted sense that "yes" always will mean "no". A challenge to toss out the will of the people's vote on the Amendment 1 referendum is being petition, and being met with stiff resistance by the state election commission in Nashville. To consider how in multiple states, men convicted of rape and child molestation can now be castrated does not concern militant feminists because they were the political bloc who achieved this sentencing policy. Thus, the nickname militant feminism hates most - FemiNazi - is actually a relevant, accurate description. After all, Sanger herself directly influenced Adolf Hitler through their mutual colleague Dr. Ernst Rudin, a German psychiatrist who was the architect of Hitler's own eugenics program which like Sanger, was designed to construct his "master race". Therefore, through accusations of racism under the Democratic Party's platform may you find why eugenics is a policy that is very well concealed among those who never read. Why else would 79% of Planned Parenthood clinics be located in poor black and Hispanic neighborhoods, while 34% of all abortions nationally are performed on black babies, of which the black community only comprises a very disproportionate 13% of the national population as the second largest minority group?
III. Conclusion: Socialism Cannot Thrive Unless It Manufactures a Crisis to Prey Upon the Uneducated Peoples of Large Urban Areas It Dominates Politically Through Corruption, Force and Even Murder
One of my most despised congresswomen in Washington is that racist intellectual giant Sheila Jackson-Lee. How she ever slid out of her mother's birth canal is baffling given her very questionable educational background with respect to America's history. Only in America can a political party grow more popular among a demographic the more these voters continue to elect candidates to the nation's growing idiocracy. To listen to her discuss how the Constitution of the United States is 400 years old should not come as a shock given she admits she is in favor of expanding government's plantation, with her the black Simon Legree cracking a most repressive whip.
It is understandable why Rep. Jackson-Lee supports a hard eugenics policy through systemic compulsory abortions and sterilization in the spirit of Margaret Sanger and current Obama science czar, John Holdren. She wants to engage in population controls; sadly, the decrease in total abortions over the past 41 years even as the population grows far higher even without that decline would indicate that the socialist movement seems to be killing its own. After all, there are more conservatives in America today than at any time since the early 1950s, according to The Washington Post. We have Obama to thank for this.
Socialism in America cannot survive unless it can dominate the large inner city voters. How else would they do this other than through Obama's lone qualification as a Marxist community organizer, or through corrupt trade and labor union bosses in the back pockets of violent organized crime syndicates? The city of Chicago has not voted a Republican as mayor since before World War I. Detroit, now attempting to declassify their bankruptcy even as it continues to receive water and other humanitarian supplies from across the river in Canada, last elected a GOP mayor abou 60 years ago, in which the UAW has since destroyed the domestic automobile industry through violent strikes and corrupt bargains during collective bargaining agreement negotiations. Just this past month, Nashville conceded defeat to the UAW after it filed a grievance complaint to the NLRB following a 100-vote victory for factory workers not to unionize in the Volkswagen plant in Chattanooga. It has since been discovered that Gov. Bill Haslam (R) and perhaps even Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) accepted some $300 million in kickback bribes, and now the plant is fully unionized and suddenly a new line of SUVs rolling through. Volkswagen advocated unionization, but the factory workers voted it down resoundingly. Like true Marxists, however, labor bosses never listen to democratic mandates by workers; and today, there is a large scab list compiled of employees refusing to pay member dues who now are facing intimidation.
Saul Alinsky can be credited for Chicago historically serving as the most corrupt city in America for his organizational means through Marxist principles. Recently, Hillary Clinton's letters of correspondence with Alinsky surfaced from her youth as he died in 1972. Yet now that the Democrats' true color - the red of Marxist-Leninism - have sprung a leak through their blue veil, the black community has suddenly begun a potentially debilitating shift that should enough turn conservative and vote for GOP candidates, the Democrats may lose its role as a major political force for at least a generation. I suspect a Seventh Party system on the eventual tip off the iceberg. If you need to understand why this is poised to transpire, listen to the harrowing story of one South Side Chicago pastor Corey Brooks, whose church was vandalized and he, his family and his congregation's lives threatened due to his public support for now-victorious Illinois GOP governor-elect Bruce Rauner.
There! You heard it from a man who stands by God and his conviction begat him by The Lord, not along the party line of Chicago machtpolitik. In a city where 92% of young black men are unemployed, Pastor Brooks' assertion that Chicago's urban poor reside on government's plantation is not only refreshing, but unfortunately resulted in his persecution. When socialists in the Democratic Party cannot persuade your support through pressing advocacy for a "voluntary" vote, they will either rig voting machines or simply attempt to first bully and then kill you. What Pastor Brooks endured should happen to no one. What you are seeing is how Democrats in all major urban areas have a stranglehold they refuse to relinquish as if a Soviet cadre unit run by commissars. That universal acceptance always declared to be true of every Democrat will only be conditioned if the black community tows their line. If not, their heritage as the party of slavery and Jim Crow bleeds through.
This is a photograph of Pastor Brooks' church. Horrific though it is, he is fortunate to that point he is not either hurt or far worse off:
For more on this horrific crime, please read The Chicago Sun-Times.
Finally, to the co-architect of Obamacare Jonathan Gruber. I listened to a long list of videos on his comments. There have been at least five more leaked to the mass media. When you listen to his incendiary admission that only the "stupid(ity)" among the American people will vote for Democrats due to the measure's intended wanton transparency, understand now why those young adults - Harvard and Fresno State University students - and the beach bums of Southern California will always vote Democrat because they will be provided with a bribe in the process even as Obama and Nancy Pelosi "learn" of the comment or deny they know Gruber at all.
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