Friday, November 21, 2014

My Response to the Unilateral Declaration of Amnesty by President Barack Obama

Topic: My Response to the Unilateral Declaration of Amnesty by President Barack Obama

Copies of the Gettysburg Address
There were two very divergent anniversaries marked by 19 November 1862 and 20 November 1910. For the American people, it served as the 152nd anniversary of President Abraham Lincoln's delivery of the Gettysburg Address following the most pivotal battle in post-Revolution history. While not perfect and indeed, a racist by today's standards, Lincoln never favored slavery, as he invoked the Declaration of Independence's most iconic message of all have the inalienable right " life, liberty and the pursuit of Happiness". The true irony behind the Declaration is how no mention of African slavery is present, but still as time progresses, so too did the American people. The North never claimed not to be racists because they were, virulently so. This was the first major step in declaration of the intent and not the act of gaining the final piece to the puzzle towards "one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all". Indeed the dead did not die in vain along the fields of Gettysburg, but rather established the precedent for all time that the spirit of liberty is to be cast upon all, not some, nor simply the elite. As John Adams put it best to Thomas Jefferson, the legacy of the American Revolution was realized due to our foundation upon "... the general Principle of Christianity; and the general principles of English liberty and American liberty." American liberty only was declared for those comprised of full citizenship; slaves were only counted as three-fifths per head during elections. The United Kingdom had abolished slavery 31 years prior with the Slavery Abolition Act of 1833 through the British Empire with the exceptions of territories controlled by the East India Company, Ceylon and St. Helena. Ten years later, those territories too were included with the rest of the Empire's policy of emancipation. As British Common Law freed slavery, so too did federal law, only it was not the Emancipation Proclamation which did so, but rather the Thirteenth Amendment. America does not subscribed to the rule of tradition with no standard by which to apply, but the Constitution, which was our contract with government in understanding that sovereignty will for all time reside with we the people.

Photograph of Lincoln inside the red outlined box at Gettysburg.
Among the most iconic speeches in American history, Lincoln was not considered the keynote speaker, and his Address is just 272 words in total. Yet no shorter speech has provided the moral fiber behind which the American people are willing to fight sectional divisions by uniting all inhabitants are one whole body politick. No longer were a few a whole and the remainder two-fifths shy of an older standard. All Americans were freed by the actions of those men having perished on both sides. Whether the Johnnys died while the Yankees were not denied, all America was victorious. The Confederate States of America never acquired a measure of legitimacy because not all people were free. Gettysburg's victory by the Union in July granted the right to make might because God so helped their quest to emancipate and reunite the nation. 

Lincoln's speech must be read amid its brevity to grasp how so little authored could be so voluminous in its rhetorical impact on history. Below is the Address, and I pray you find reason why I state what I have, courtesy of Abraham Lincoln Online:
Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.
But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
Abraham Lincoln
November 19, 1863
History never dies, but it is forgotten if its inscriptions are lost. We too often are forced to witness government misapply history as if a clock may be rotated back counterwise. Once history is created, there is no going back; it has transpired and it is an absolute truth because the truth alone may set us free. Revisionist scholars and politicians choose to rewrite history because it never serves their agendas to acquire sociological hegemony over the people's stream of consciousness. In Tennessee today, a debate rages over the curriculum for AP U.S. History, a class that I took, earned an "A" and a 5 on the AP exam my junior year (11th Grade). Education bureaucrats want to remove vital information pertinent to the understanding of how and why our republic was formed. Key Founding Fathers and even the Declaration of Independence are either heavily censored or cut out of lesson plans due to concerns over political correctness. When the children of today fail to learn of their forefathers' struggles, they will become tomorrow's leaders with no mandate for the historical record from which to draw. Through empiricism alone may we draw upon our tabula rasa. America will never be destroyed by a foreign aggressor invading the people's sovereignty; there will always be patriots fighting for the cause of liberty that is always just. In the words of Lincoln, though, she will destroy herself (Courtesy of Great American History):
"If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time or die by suicide."
As 20 November 2014 marks the 104th anniversary of the Mexican Revolution's launch, that bloody conflict led only to a constitution still being paid in blood money by drug cartels and Islamic terrorists. Since this is Obama's intent, Mexico and the U.S. may one day become a Pan American state, alongside the rest of South America.

II. President Obama by Way of Treason Has Arranged the Invasion of the United States

Does America exist still today?
Automatic citizenship for newborns of illegal aliens having been presented the opportunity to forgo the naturalization processes all other legal immigrants have must be repealed from the immigration statutes dating to the fledgling days of our republic. If taxpayers will be required to pay for welfare benefits for as many illegal aliens as who want to unconditionally cross over into American sovereign territory, the wealthiest Americans will be by comparison to the middle class and the poor paying a far less intrusive cut into the bottomless cauldron. The middle class and the poor will lose big again due to a disproportionately higher increase in relationship to what each individual on average can afford with price changes with first the devaluation of our currency by the recent restart of quantitative easing (QE) followed by lowering the already dangerously low interest rate from 0.25% to the Eurozone's negative figure, or in essence requiring banks to pay applicants to take out loans, thereby nullifying any true reasoning to require repaying those. Once this happens, the dollar will be worth one day a negative total per unit as with some Eurozone states, the euro purchases nothing while debts spiral out of control, collapsing not just Wall Street, but the global banking interconnectivity in general. America will then have no choice but to either default on its debts - most of which are now owned by the Federal Reserve and China - or to completely reverse course, which means interest rates will be rapidly increased to new heights equitable to the Carter presidency (+/- 20%) and the printing presses engage in QE at record levels of printing "Obama Dollars", which then will result in the dollar becoming hyperinflated as did the Deutsch mark during Weimar Germany's post-World War I economic and financial disaster.

To those who are students of history, the hyperinflated Deutsch mark resulted in the rise of Adolf Hitler to power, promising "change" to a population desperate for a renewed belief in German nationalism and economic reforms, and the bloodiest war in human history. Germany through the War Guilt Clause within the Treaty of Versailles was required to pay reparations to the victorious allies France and Britain, which it could never do. And as the U.S. national debt comprises 106% of total GDP, government is spending more in total revenue than it is acquiring from nation's dwindling workforce being taxed beyond its capacity to pay. Americans pay more into Uncle Sam than at anytime in the nation's history, and while the currency is deflated, debt is rising with very little interest and inflation to compound it. As Greece and Spain are now facing the problem America soon will too as their national debts are more than 220% of total GDP while unemployment totals are at more than 27%, the global economy may one day collapse, resulting in a post-capitalist style of bartering and trade due to America's inability to borrow from the American people who no longer have the financial resources for bonds and securities to be purchased. Civilization as we have known it will cease to exist when the banks are indebted to the taxpayers of the international community following runs on each banking firm.

For the full details on the endangered global financial infrastructure and stocks, please access my blog URL from 2 November 2014, titled How Soon Will the Global Economic Collapse Arrive. 

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