Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Son of Liberty Does Dallas... Well, Not in That Manner, But I Did Put Him in His Place in My Response!

(Above: The attitude of President Obama is such that if one disagrees with his policies, he or she is ostracized as a racist.)

My Response with One Man Named Dallas J., Who Claimed that Obama's Phrase in the Photograph Above was Taken Out of Context During a Conversation at Monticello with French President Francois Hollande

There is very little I can truly add to describe my response to the member of the American Left below. They are always attempting to justify the president's actions regardless of how disingenuous or borderline extralegal they may be. Below is that response, which I doubt Dallas responded since on Facebook, I managed to not tag his name in my post to where there was a link in which he would have been notified of my post in response to his. 

Regardless, I will allow you to enjoy the show!


Dallas J. Stated:

You guys are the biggest jokes on Facebook! For what is supposed to be a legitimate think tank, you certainly don't do any thinking!

Mr. Obama made the tongue-in-cheek remark as he toured Monticello, the Charlottesville, Va., estate of Thomas Jefferson, with French President Francois Hollande. The visit is part of Mr. Hollande’s three-day stay in the U.S. this week.

The president delighted in his ability to “break the protocol” and view the Monticello grounds from a private terrace.

“That’s the good thing as a president. I can do whatever I want,” Mr. Obama said.

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My Reply to Dallas J:

Dallas J, I suppose you forget the popular cliche "Birds of a feather flock together"? Perhaps you did not take into consideration that President Francois Hollande is a member of the French Socialist Party and is the first sitting French president since perhaps Charles De Gaulle to align himself either closely or loosely with the U.S. with regards to both trade and foreign policy. It is France which remains currently the sole representative nation within the European Union yet to be alienated by the Obama administration's spy tapping from the taxpayers' cache of federal national security or tax collection agencies. Most importantly, the Obama administration highly encouraged President Hollande to dissolve the economic policy of austerity and return to what previous French governments have employed economically for generations since Georges Clemenceau: a socialist government with the state controlling the vast majority of corporate operations if not nationalizing these businesses entirely. Furthermore, the wealthiest of the French people are being taxed completely beyond their capacities to pay, with those who are lucky paying income tax rates of 75% while others are pulling a true Marxist level of income taxation levied by returning their entire paychecks to Hollande's government as they are taxed 100%!

No Dallas, the person to accuse of being a joke when it involves awareness of world politics and foreign policy is none other than yourself. Since the Left is so set against military conflict despite an entire century's track record of initiating the four largest wars or military operations which resulted in more 600,000 American lives, the alliance now between Obama and Hollande strategically in terms of foreign policy and now a military alliance while the former has virtually alienated the Cameron Government in the United Kingdom to the point that Cameron wisely managed to attain a quorum in Parliament prohibiting British military engagement in the Syrian civil war as well as Iran and the Arab Spring phenomena. Coupled this with the two far-leftist government's preparing to perhaps bilaterally engage in combat akin to what Democrats and all other nations in the European Union and the United Nations cried foul when Bush and the Blair Government in Britain invaded, overthrew Saddam Hussein, and then occupied for nine years amid bloody combat in Iraq after pre-Bush presidency intelligence during the Clinton years which claimed that without a shadow of doubt there were weapons of mass destruction (WMD's) present under the Hussein regime, and the hypocrisy and continuity of the incessant flow of Obama's lies is both a complete and, in the words of the world's leading ecological and climatological expert who also was the inventor of the Internet, Al Gore, "an inconvenient truth" for those on the Left to swallow.

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