Tuesday, February 4, 2014

My Reply to a Left-Wing Environmentalist Who Still Claims that Al Gore's 1999 Assertion that All of the World's Polar Ice Caps Would Disappear by 2014

Below is my reply to a member of the American Far-Left who attempts to vindicate former Clinton Vice President Al Gore 's assertion from 1999 that by 2014 -- this year -- all of the world's polar ice caps would disappear. Clearly, this never happened, did not really come close to happening, and would probably take centuries or many millennia to occur in full.

Nothing pleasures me more in life than two things aside from being in the company of my beloved family members and closest friends: to write my poetry, for which I have a blog just for that; and to embarrass members of the Left due to their delusions of grandeur. And while this argument apparently continued well-beyond my reply to one Paul White and I never caught the remainder of it because I probably was busy writing poetry (which is what I spend most of my free time doing for pleasure), I think I stated very clearly my thoughts on the matter.

Kelsey Riffey shared ForAmerica's photo.
In 1999, Al Gore said that the polar ice caps would disappear by 2014. It’s 2014 and the ice caps are still there. Where’s Al’s apology?
 ·  ·  · 11 hours ago · 

  • Lori Franklin Hopkins likes this.
  • Paul White actually you need to do your home work, summer 2013 saw the first pure liquid summer in the arctic. For the first time commercial shipping is possible in the northern reaches. Greenery is growing in places not before possible. Longer warming periods and record high temps in the region are a reality. 2014 will see 15 gigantic glaciers completely disappear.
    5 hours ago · Edited · 
  • Kelsey Riffey They also discovered volcanic activity there as well. I believe that climate change is due to a natural pattern that has occurred many times in nature. It was warmer during the middle ages than today. This cannot be blamed just on men in general. Al flies around on his luxury jets and he tells us that we shouldnt drive our cars. The has its own natural greenhouse due to Carbon without it the temperature drops almost 60 degrees. It is naive to think climate will not change.
    58 minutes ago via mobile · Unlike · 2
  • Jonathan Henderson I suppose that in the past 214 years since the official beginning of the First Industrial Revolution in Europe that mankind has melted damn near every glacier and iceberg in the world, Paul, am I correct? What if I said to you that half of meteorologists and climatologists believe the entire phenomena behind man-manifested global warning to be untrue and impossible? The fact that for all time, the earth has experienced untold numbers of climate changing trends renders Al Gore's premise unproven and illogical since he is neither a damn meteorologist nor climatologist! I guess, though, that for the Left, the fact that over 48% of meteorologists and climatologists believe the theory that man-made global warming is false and lacking in any validity whatsoever is the inconvenient truth for you.

    I find it both intriguing and interesting how over the past 40 to 50 years, government has passed untold numbers of pieces of legislation that were signed into law by Democrats and Republicans in the White House alike to curb "the tide of man-made global warming," and all were expected to make a dent in the situation, or what fear factors some of the nuts at Greenpeace wish to perpetuate. The federal government changed the manner in which the engines and exhaust systems of vehicles would forever be built in order to drastically cut back on carbon monoxide emissions; instead, the Left continues to claim to the contrary that we have further damaged the environment despite these new laws, and what is their answer? More legislation, more taxation, higher fuel costs, and higher prices for vehicles due to the new mileage guidelines required to be in effect by 2020. And I haven't even begun to discuss the failure of the Democrats to support the building of the Keystone XL pipeline to create thousands of new jobs; to largely end our reliance upon foreign oil from the Middle East; and furthermore, by decreasing our reliance upon Middle Eastern oil, we would then have the ability to largely leave that most unstable region that has never borne any fruit from international endeavors but more terrorism and the continued slaughtering of their own and our troops.

    It is akin to the issue with mass poverty in the inner cities and rural areas, Paul: you can tax the rich and the middle classes beyond their capacities to pay and spread the wealth to the poor and lower the income gaps between the rich, middle, and sub-poverty line classes, but at the end of the day, all you have done is that you have made certain that the poor are poorer so longer as the rich and the middle class are less affluent. The wealthy have less with which to create jobs for the middle and lower classes if the conditions were to be legally allowed to be right to manifest them without socialism; the middle class is earning less money and many begin to slip below the poverty line threshold; and those who already were impoverished remain impoverished in order for the Democrats to receive their votes under the guise that they will continue the Robin Hood means of spreading the wealthy while making everyone else and the actual impoverished either poorer or still poor. If you continue to maintain the status quo with the poor, continue providing for them subsidies and creating more public expenditure programs as bureaucracies, of course they will vote for the Left; and what a policy! The middle class, the backbone of America, is being made poorer, and there are less millionaires in relationship to the total U.S. population today than there have been in decades. At the end of the day, it does not matter one damn bit if there are large gaps between incomes; what does matter is that all levels of income are better off than they were under the previous administration, with the people earning more in total income along with the rate of inflation continuing to decrease, the private sector thriving, and the greater focus on private small businesses in the inner cities and rural areas as opposed to erecting more public housing for the sake that the officials you champion have created more poverty. If the people are better off financially at all levels of income, have better jobs than before, have the capacity with all of these factors to buy what they need and spend on discretionary items due to a very low inflation rate, the liberal policy of using the already-historically failed ideals behind Keynsian economics will die in a blaze of futility. 

    At the end of the day, Paul, all Robin Hood really did was rob from those whom had taken away the hard-earned wages of the people who earned them and returned them to their respective owners.
  • Jonathan Henderson

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