My Reactions to Mediaite's Post of Bob Beckel's Comments Hinting at Charles Barkley Being an "Uncle Tom" Regarding Poor Neighborhoods
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Left: Charles Barkley; Right: Bob Beckel |
Since I relish my time having a great deal of fun at the expense of left-wing Obama sycophants who apparently are too blissfully illiterate to read and think critically beyond the federal government's announcements daily provided by the ironically-named Press Secretary Josh Earnest, I felt I would share with you the past 36 hours worth of replies to several who attack my position over Barkley's comments, first because I dared reference God by one atheist, while all the rest except for one who refused to provide me with data to challenge my data while one posted figures declaring that Obama had lowered the national debt by $43 billion since assuming power. Because I know we each love to lampoon these hapless zombies of the apocalypse Homeland Security has been funding for at least two years, I give you my multiple moments of zen just below, with the latest of my greatest hits at the bottom of the page with all the snark and sarcasm one can stand.
Write a comment...- Jonathan Henderson That's because Barkley had the talent and good sense to use his God-given abilities to rise from his ghetto. So far as I see, Mr. Beckel only wants to keep the poor inner city black man much poorer off. After all, Chicago, Detroit and Washington, D.C. are dominated by Democrats, where it is impossible to be elected if your are a Republican.Like · Reply · 88 · December 1 at 6:17pm · Edited
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- Jonathan Henderson Apparently, Obama didn't give it to him, and you sure as hell didn't or you'd be asking for his millions and be willing to hand over all your earnings to those who refuse to work.
- Scott Stevenson Yeah, I'd say his accomplishments were done on his own and not by some imaginary sky daddy.
- Amy L Capen something also tells me Beckel hasn't seen his feet or the word no to the all you can eat buffet in 20 years
- Jonathan Henderson Or you, perhaps? Why Scotty, why don't you admit that you just employed what socialism hates so much about fact and fiction, which is you utilized natural selection to say that because Charles Barkley is a special breed of black man, he had more "inherent traits" that you cannot explain, but which you will no doubt call me a racist for mentioning what you just stated?
Or perhaps you would like to read this story from the Chicago Sun-Times, where a black minister on the South Side had his church vandalized, his and his family's lives threatened, all because he refused to, as he put it, "stay on the Democratic plantation". Perhaps being totally incompetent on social and economic equity other than padding the wallets of Hollywood, Silicon Valley and Wall Street, you would be only too delighted to answer me as the intellectual giant emblematic of the Democratic Party, which never ditched its true label as the party of slavery and Jim Crow even by the black community's own admission.
Like · Remove Preview · 4 · December 1 at 6:25pm · Edited - Clinton Parks Much like most Democrats adn libtards. Just Look at Detroit
- Jill Elswick Jonathan Henderson why don't use use your talent and good sense and God-given abilities to wiggle your head from out of your ass, lol.
- Scott Stevenson Your ability to stay on topic and mental derangement has no limit, does it.
- Jonathan Henderson I don't even bother calling Democrats "libtards". That would be a waste of kinetic energy for me to type or the breathe to waste on such vermin.
- Jonathan Henderson Just like your capacity, Scotty, to address someone who is destroying your political fanaticism in a debate with actual details rather than racially charged rants against the white establishment or those who are black and refuse to remain on the government plantation.
Of course, you answer my comment earlier but now find yourself pulling a U-Turn on your position. Why is that, or is it due to your awareness that the idea of freedom of choice only applies to those you do not want to kill either in the womb or through racial eugenics projects? - Godswill Emeka Olukaikpe @JONATHAN..SHUT DA HELL UP PLEASE...You have absolutely no clue what you speak off
- Jonathan Henderson Jill Elswick, if I used my talent and God-given ability to wag my head from between my ass, I would have to look at you and your body and suddenly turn to stone. You do have that Medusa effect as a socialist.
- Robert Cardinelle It's not about being 'poor'. It is about being respectful of others and self, respecting and obeying the law; being self reliant as best you can while being gainfully employed and productive; developing useful, meaningful and valuable talents and skills; being grateful for the sacrifices hard-working people make to provide the safety nets and the government assistance. It is about taking advantage of opportunities of public education. It is about developing human values and taking responsibility for your choices, situation and destiny. It is about respecting other people, their property, and having a reverential attitude for human life. Not a damn one of these values, which these poor Black communities need desperately to be civilized has anything to do with being poor. Their circumstances are their own damn faults.
- Jonathan Henderson I agree, Robert. It should always be that way. All Americans are guaranteed equal protections under the law, but to read the stories from the mainstream media where these riots or crimes involving the black community seem to recur, they are always in the poor inner cities which are dominated by Democratic political machines as with Chicago. When you are Tim Scott and Mia Loveand you are declared "not black enough" to be anything but an "Uncle Tom" while Scott himself was born into a poor family, who has that right to declare who is what and what is wrong? This is the very manner in which the American Apartheid state is taking flight.
I will not win many friends for stating the obvious. But just because I will never be deterred me from not being afraid to see what I do nor to call those supporting the end of the American experiment in democratic republicanism does not mean at all I refuse to appease the left-wing lunatic fringe by becoming silent. They will have to kill me first before that happens. - Yvette Eva Hirsch You don't think Johnathan Henderson that Cheney rove et al ,.Mafia bosses aren't counting on expendable brainwashed idiots like you dying for their cause? Go ahead and get yourself killed for the Bush crime family. You're not particularly sane or Informed. Read plan for new American Century (1997) And rebuilding Americas defenses( the,fact we have the largest military in the,world) he,wrote" we need to create a Pearl harbor event I. Order to convince Americans to let us invade iraq" where is the 8.5 trillion dollars Pentagon lost? Why are,we giving our entire economy to billionaires for,tax breaks and not paying down the debt? 93% of the debt us from Bush era. Cutting 46 billion. In food stamps isn't going to fix it. Selling off,a The national parks isn't going to fix it. These wealthy own our country. And,YOU're why it happened. Because you're so into your money worshipping Mafia churches you ignore the,real problemsLike · 1 · December 1 at 7:18pm · Edited
- Jonathan Henderson Oh I know all about that. Of course, if the rise of Joe Biden's son's corporation in Ukraine that deals with the Russian company Gazprom is not an example of crony-capitalism, or perhaps the president's $8 billion with the Morsi government during the year of the Muslim Brotherhood in power, or perhaps George Soros and his toppling the British economy on September 16, 1992 (known there as "Black Wednesday") is not an issue with you, I am sorry to read that you as a socialist truly do believe that through labor unions colluding with the federal government and organized crime in the national Mafia syndicates, killing those who refuse to vote for your party's candidates is an acceptable manner to engage in the great Democrat Putsch you have always wanted.
Speaking of which Yvette, where is this information about the debt being lowered when just today, it was reported to have finally surpassed $18 trillion, nearly $9 trillion more than what Bush left with after a Clinton-era policy to relax subprime mortgages in order to raise dramatically the levels of home ownership for those not qualified to take loans out? Why also, Yvette, do you demand to declare that the measure for a strong socialist state is through adding more people to the welfare rolls, not to lift them from poverty? Why too, must you conveniently forget that we located multiple stockpiles of Saddam Hussein's chemical and nuclear weapon stockpiles that were being manufactured as far back as the 1970s, that were still being manufactured as recently as 1997 and which Clinton had the opportunity to save us all the trouble of confiscating them as recently as 2011? Karl Rove and several key neoconservative and Democrats in the Senate all knew about this, but never disclosed this to the public nor to Bush according to Rove. And why, my dear Yvette, have you not address how Obama ordered our forces from Iraq while they were still retrieving these WMDs if he were not part of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that learned of their recovery beginning in 2004 and were funding these arms sales and training for militants to fight the insurgents who are now aligned with the Islamic State?
When you admit as you just did Yvette that so long as the rich are less rich, you'd rather the poor be poorer, you forget that your own party sabotaged even that policy in order for Hollywood, Wall Street and Silicon Valley to provide the Obama administration and the Democratic Party campaign donations as your party receives far more in the way of millions in total donations than the GOP. Of course, I would not expect you to grasp that the rich pay 70% of the tax burden while there is no longer a middle class in America, again by Obama and the Democrats' designs, nor that you read anything that is not published in one of George Soros' 30 socialist news mediums internationally, nor how Obama has been providing Hamas with arms to kill Israelis as well as aiding the UN with their schools to store Hamas' rocketry, and yes, is providing the Islamic State training through our intelligence operatives in Iraq to fight and kill those who oppose him.
Be sure to watch the Islamic State's video titled "Blood of Jihad". When you do, take careful notes on how white Americans are training Islamic State militants like they are U.S. Marines, and all the items with "USAID" stamped to the side. But judging by your very poor command of the English language which was difficult to decipher, I doubt you'll be able to.
Like · Remove Preview · 2 · December 3 at 2:18am · Edited - Jonathan Henderson Godswill (or Godsmack), I will not even dignify that with an answer since they barely reads like it is English. For Scotty, well, he still has not answered my challenge to provide me with any shred of information to demonstrate why he is so mentally-disturbed as to try to spread the socialist brain distemper or rabies to the rest of us not wanting it.
- Merry VonBrauch Yvette Eva do know that the richest layer in out society are Democrats right??? You are pointing your finger at the wrong party, I was no fan of Bush..either one but you have not mentioned Clinton, or Goober Boy Carter or what's your point...?
- Paula Coker Morin You killed them Jonathon, you made them look and feel like the mindless drones they are, and I love it. Thank you!
- Stephane Gaudette HA the city is poor because they're Democrat dominated...well then genius explain to me why is it that most of the red states are poor and have been for a long long time
- Jill Elswick I, a Medusa? Never been so flattered. Quite a believer in free markets when they make sense. I write about entrepreneurship for a living. So, "Meh!" But you are just a kid. I enjoy your references and literary tone.
- Jill Elswick Oh, wait, you're not a kid. You're grown. Come off this "royal" style then, unless your wearing hose and a doublet. Maybe drinking from a goblet. With a goblin.
- Jonathan Henderson I have no problem sticking with my royal gig, Jill, because I do so to demonstrate what a royal pain in the ass you are.
- Jonathan Henderson Let's see, Stephanie Gaudette: Illinois is poor, and the state one of the most unequal with respect to income disparities nationally; Chicago sucks in all the votes for the state in about three counties, but the rest of the state seems to be doing much, much better voting for conservatives; Michigan is bankrupt, only slightly less so as Detroit and has yet to ask Canada and the UN for humanitarian aid and supplies in this blue state; California is bankrupt and cannot pay its bills, with Los Angeles and the surrounding counties much poorer off than San Diego while San Francisco seems to think it is not affluent enough as a city not to follow Seattle and now LA and Chicago's road to perdition by doubling the national minimum wage, which Seattle is already experiencing closed shops in the downtown area and small businesses vital to the backbone of our economy moving into the suburban areas; New York State is falling off very badly and Buffalo has for decades, crime is rising rampantly in New York City while Bill DeBlasio is far more Marxist than his predecessor Bloomberg; Pennsylvania is struggling with the industrial sector of the western portion of the state outside Pittsburgh, while Philadelphia rates as the one of the nation's ten most impoverished cities; Ohio has twice in succession made the terrible mistake of voting Democrats into office and now cannot subsist since the manufacturing sector of the Rust Belt near Youngstown, Akron and Canton are ghost towns with violent crime as rampant as Detroit, Chicago and Gary, IN; South Florida hates North Florida because Rep. Joe Garcia (D-FL) in the Miami-Dade district has not succeeded in switching it to the communist nation he claims the Democrats have succeeded in through immigration laws, or why he claims El Paso has the lowest crime rate in America among large cities due to bribing civilians with public expenditure programs and welfare when in fact, the city has among the loosest gun laws in the nation; or how Missouri is faring very poorly in the St. Louis area, where Ferguson is located in St. Louis County where the state election commission never bothered to address why no elections are held for the mayor's office or the sheriff's position.
Etc.! Etc.! Etc.! I can can continue to push forward with how Hawaii is flopping out in the South Pacific or how poverty continues to grow in even Massachusetts, which now understands that when it is a battle of right against left, the right will always make might while socialism's inherent weakness is absolute in forcing its misery upon others through brute force.
Oh Stephanie, as for Rep. Garcia's comments about the Democrats succeeding in creating a communist America, I don't need to quote him from any media source or periodical. Just watch his own webcam account of this, where he stated so specifically.
- Jonathan Henderson Oh, and by the way: Socialism is so popular up Northeast that 40% of your congressional seats are migrating South where taxes and low and the economic boom is transpiring as we speak.
- Jonathan Henderson Even a socialist can believe in free enterprise, Jill. After all, how else did all those Democrats who are far wealthier as a party and in total campaign donors figures grow rich during the Reagan Revolution during the 1980s?
- Madeline Brashear Jonathan Henderson, everybody's not an athlete. How would Barkley have made it out of the ghetto if he hadn't been able to play ball?
- Jonathan Henderson He would have called upon you to make him into an athlete through social welfare subsidies, Madeline Brashear. After all, according to Barack Obama, you didn't achieve anything because someone helped you to. Apparently, Obama is God, so since you ostensibly voted for him, he must have made "you" who "you are".
Write a reply...- Jonathan Henderson "Every Communist must grasp the truth: Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun."
- Mao Zedong, founder and Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) of the People's Republic of China (1893-1976); "Quotations from Chairman Mao Zedong", a.k.a. "The Little Red Book" (1964)
He also stated this, which you might find noteworthy and to be celebrated as politically-aligned members of the far left-wing lunatic fringe:
"Not to have a correct political point of view is like having no soul…."
- Mao Zedong, Chapter 12; originally published in "On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People" (27 February 1957)
This is a book I have read that is near the top of every Democrat's "must read list". I actually took a course on Mao Zedong and the Chinese revolutions from a professor who was a member of the CCP, just as his family still is today. He was a nice man, fascinating to converse with, but sorely misguided when he declared communism is democracy, sort of like what the Democrats today call their brand of political coercive manipulation at the voting booths that recalibrate all GOP candidate selections into Democrats or, as with Texas, only Democrats and parties further to the left were provided as choices despite GOP choice(s) being very much available.
Of course, I prefer a good conservative approach for my adoring fans to read. Take Edmund Burke (1729-1797) for example, who never had to fire a shot to oppose the French Revolution which employed the same tactics of anarcho-capitalist organization of mob rule to create the first experiment in history of a left-wing totalitarian establishment like in America today, to which Hollywood, Silicon Valley and Wall Street are the Jacobins outspending conservative benefactors to the GOP by a enormous margin.
"There is a limit at which forbearance ceases to be a virtue."
- Edmund Burke (1729-97), Irish-born British parliamentarian and acknowledged founder of conservatism
Do enjoy, socialists. Obama swiftly altered the Democratic Party platform from John Stuart Mill's utilitarian principles to Fabianism and now, taking a hard turn towards Albuquerque into Marxism. That putsch you have always dreamed in achieving a socialist utopia under South Africa-style of Apartheid has nearly been achieved. After all, why else would the New Black Panthers employ EBT cards to purchase bomb-making supplies when that is a method of welfare payment like all others, emanating from the Department of Agriculture? After all, the New Black Panthers are hired often times to patrol voter stations by local Democratic Party cadres.
Just in case you decide to deride this as a vast right-wing conspiracy, do click upon the URL to open St. Louis' local news station's report on the matter. God forbid that pre-Common Core era Obama catechismic manifesto was not so terrible that you cannot read non-TASS based media. After all, there is now a First Church of Atheism.
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