Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Hell Just Froze Over - "Hands Up! Don't Shoot!" Protests Just Occurred on the Campus of the University of Tennessee Here in Knoxville

Hell Just Froze Over - "Hands Up! Don't Shoot!" Protests Just Occurred on the Campus of the University of Tennessee Here in Knoxville

As if this was never going to happen here in Knoxville, TN, one of the conservative and prosperous metropolitans areas in the nation, the ghost of the thug Michael Brown has haunted my hometown by resulting in a protest on the campus of my collegiate alma mater, the University of Tennessee at Knoxville. Few realize that in presidential election years, the student body usually leans towards the Republican candidate. That does not preclude the stately walls of ol' UT from erecting its own cover of the Berlin Wall through class warfare advocacy. When I attended a speaking engagement by Black Panthers cofounder Bobby Seale, I was met by several Marxists that after speaking to me about politics and actually agreed with most of my comments in 2011, invited me very enthusiastically to attend their first organizational meeting. They really were quite disappointed when I informed them to the contrary that I am a conservative, that I opposed the rise of the state as the source for omnipotence and totalitarian controls for all people in a society. Rather than accuse me of racism or suppressing the poor, they each shook my hand and looked as if they actually admired me. Considering I had met all other forms of socialists and collegiate Marxists who were rather disparaging of me due to my political views and faith, I actually found a renewed sense of hope that perhaps in time, common sense will root out their ideological pipe dream of a Utopia never to be lost, for this will never be found.

Since this is only a brief post, I want to share the local newspapers and television stations' coverage of the one-hour demonstration. These students left during the middle of their classes to protest. When you view the photographs, you will note mostly blacks and white hipsters or hippies present, as well as a few who are non-descript in the offing. As sickening as this series of demonstrations grows more by the day even as multiple white men and women have been slaughtered on the merit of their race along (read about the four black teenagers in St. Louis who hammered a 32 year old Serbian man to death while screaming "Kill all whites!"), all that matters is the rise of the president's ideal society - communism ruled by an Apartheid statist policy, comprised of either Islamists. So long as the white establishment that elected him dies, he will thrive as the world's most brutal dictator and international terrorist.

Protest along Cumberland Avenue (a.k.a. "The Strip") of UT Students

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