Wednesday, December 4, 2013

How to Deal with a Liberal and His or Her Extensive Usage of Lies and Fallacies Based Upon a Lack of Education: My Debate with a Liberal Residing in Ohio Originally from London, UK, Along with Another British Citizen Who is a Member of the Conservative Party Born and Currently Residing in Leeds

(Below is a post of mine today on my Facebook account upon reading of Detroit being declared legally eligible to file for Chapter 9 Bankruptcy. The first reply I made has quite a bit of profanity in it, and I do apologize for that since I was expressing my disdain for a lady to whom it was referring from back during the summer. The two gentlemen who replied are originally or still reside in London, UK, and one, Phil, is a member of the Conservative Party, while Steve, who now resides in Ohio, is a very liberal Democrat. Read the lies and the fallacies below which Steve tries to feed to Phil, who does not know enough about our system of government to know that Steve is misleading him due to either his lack of knowledge of the Constitution, or his complicity along with the rest of the Left in failing to acknowledge that sacred document as the supreme law of the land.)

President Barack Obama said that "If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon."

Well, I think that if Obama had a city, it would look like Detroit!

I suppose then that since Detroit is now legally the largest city in U.S. history eligible to file Chapter 9 Bankruptcy, there will undoubtedly be a bailout looming in Washington which will add further to the national debt, which in turn is laid upon the already-burdened taxpayers of this and future generations to come. I am sure future subsidies for the citizens of Detroit in the form of more and larger welfare checks are to come as well.

Because after all, does Obama not want to be able to say that Detroit is his city?

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  • Heather Davis and Phil Matthews like this.
  • Jonathan Henderson It's a damn good thing Sheila is no longer able to see these since I blocked her back in the summer when she started the incessant playing of the race card upon the verdict being rendered during the George Zimmerman Trial. She began posting shit about having all of her friends, mostly within the black community, sign a petition that was set up online by the NAACP to have him brought to trial on civil rights charges. I ignored these because I knew that despite her classifying herself as a "conservative Republican," she always loved to play up the race card and talk about how evil white people are. But when she started the insane shit about Detroit and accusing people who pointed the finger at government officials for the city's failures economically as being tantamount at our wanting to see these officials "fail," I simply replied to her my feelings on the matter, which asserted those beliefs which she so detested since that was my goal to anger her. She then accused me of being "part of the problem" and then told me that if I don't agree with her on an issue, that I should simply not post a reply on her page. Well, why should I not post a reply if I disagree with her when she was always one of the first people on my Facebook list of friends to do so with me and never minced words in how brutal she would be in her criticisms? At that point, I laid into her with a profanity-laced tirade, accusing her of race-baiting and of being racist towards all those who were not classified as "African-Americans." I then told her that if the citizens of Detroit would have paid attention to who was running the show and what policies were being implemented, this all might have been avoided. It went on, and I finally said my peace in one last declarative statement by stating to her that if she cannot handle the heat of an argument that she started, she should get the hell out of the kitchen, that when I no longer was willing to argue over political or social issues, I simply stopped posting a ton of stuff pertaining to those types of topics. I called her a "hypocrite" and then got offline. She never replied to me so far as I know, and did not block me. I blocked her. I was tired of putting up with her shit.
    9 hours ago · Edited · Like
  • Phil Matthews I feel sorry for you over there. I called Obama for what he was before he got elected first time round. He's the U.S.'s Tony Blair. A snake oil salesman. He talks a great game, full of crowd pleasing comments and political style but when it comes to substance or actually doing anything he's been found wanting. What's "changed" so much? He's been given a mandate with two election victories to really go after... well, seeing how he never really put his finger on what he was going after it's hard to know, but he puts out great soundbites and ultimately doesn't appear to have made much progress on any of the major issues. Just like a certain ex-Prime Minister of the U.K.... And like him I'm sure he'll have profited well from it too...
    9 hours ago · Like
  • Phil Matthews I should say I'm not being wise after the event. It's just that T.B. pulled that same stunt on the U.K. electorate before BHO did it over there and they fell for it here too.
    9 hours ago ·Like
  • Steve High Nothing gets done on major issues due to the House of Representatives refusal to do anything that doesn't reward their corporate masters.
    9 hours ago · Like
  • Phil Matthews Sorry to show my ignorance of the system here Steve but who sits in the HoR? (Presumably the Senators sit in the Senate but is that different to the HoR?)
    9 hours ago · Like
  • Steve High the House consists of members elected from districts in each state for 2 year terms vs. 6 yrs. for the Senate,. the more populous the state the more reps
    9 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Phil Matthews Ah. I never knew that. I can see how it'd work in 1776 with fewer states but that must get messy these days 

    9 hours ago · Like
  • Steve High It's a mess with the Jerry-mandering of districts in certain states to make sure a certain party carries that district to try and ensure a majority in the House
    8 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Phil Matthews Sounds like time the HoR was consigned to history like the House of Lords here. It had its purpose in the past but now? Well, a Senator is elected to represent a State. Why the need for the HoR? (Forgive my ignorance again, sorry).
    8 hours ago · Like
  • Steve High In theory a Rep will have their finger on the pulse of the needs of the people in their district whereas there are only 2 senators from each state. California for example has over 40 Reps. maybe even 50.
    8 hours ago · Edited · "Like · 1
  • Jonathan Henderson So Steve, I take that you are asserting that the House of Representatives alone controls the ebb and flow of the government but not the White House nor the Senate, which are controlled by Democrats? You failed to tell Phil about how nearly all of the large states except for Texas, Florida, and Ohio, as well as practically all of the major metropolitan areas, are paid for and owned by Democratic Party-run Machtpolitik organizations all too often at the polls! I do think you are missing far more here than you are willing to admit through your limited knowledge of our Constitution which is being ignored and trampled upon by Obama as well. If you are claiming that corporations alone are controlling our nation via our House of Representatives and that this is the lone governing apparatus in Washington, what, pray tell, are our president and the Democratic-controlled Senate with a large majority in power (55-45 currently) doing with their time on the taxpayer's watch? Do they not hold part of the responsibility of the laws which are passed in this country? Furthermore, how do you explain the policies which are being implemented even though this is what the media loves to refer to as the modern "do-nothing Congress"? Are you going to tell me that Obama has nothing to do with the fact that there are now legal initiatives based upon his executive orders to curtail the legal purchase and ownership of firearms? And what about what we are seeing regarding his handling of the Middle East foreign policy, how nearly 60 years worth of diplomatic relations with Israel have now been destroyed under the Obama administration's policies in order to serve his interests in the Islamic world for reasons some believe involve his actually clandestinely practicing the religion and collaborating with such parties as the Muslim Brotherhood and other terrorist groups in a potential plot to enact their will of the new Caliphate upon our world? And once more, how can you state with a straight face that corporate interests are only acknowledged by those within the Republican Party when Apple Inc.; Berkshire Hathaway, the large investment firm out of Omaha, Nebraska, which is controlled by Warren Buffett, one of the wealthiest men in the world; Microsoft, which Bill Gates, who is the wealthiest man in the world, controls and often is found supporting the Democratic Party; the vast majority of the major news media outlets outside of Fox and a handful of political radio talk shows such as Oprah Winfrey and George Soros; Facebook, which is owned by a renowned member of the American Left in the young billionaire Mark Zuckerberg, who has family members running for Congress as Democrats; and let us not forget Hollywood, whose wealthy actors, actresses, and studio executives are so influential amid their extreme left-wing socialist views that through their art form and attraction from this which they have over the masses is so strong that now President Obama is calling upon these individuals to assist him in the gun control debate? Are these industries not controlled by a large wealthy elite? And how can you sit there and not acknowledge the truth that in fact, there are more millionaires and billionaires in general which are members of the Democratic Party than those within the GOP? Your contention that the sole fault of class warfare resides within the GOP is more than simply disingenuous and misleading, riddled with more holes than Swiss cheese, and grossly fallacious; and furthermore, the wealthy will always control the Democratic Party even more than the GOP because it is very simple to campaign for public office for a candidate or themselves by promising a house with a two-car garage and 2.5 kids to every person who votes for them. When you promise handouts, people will buy into your ideas despite what will invariably be demanded of them to forfeit in terms of their legal rights and liberties as guaranteed within the parameters of natural law. The left-wing socialists' false promises of how they will ensure that the meek shall inherit the earth never comes to fruition, but rather adds to their power base and mandate due to their perpetuating despair and social discontent through their initiatives of spreading false hopes.

    When it comes to the issue of corporations controlling the federal government due to the House of Representatives alone being controlled by the Republican Party, your argument simply does not support what facts are present amid your slew of logical fallacies. The federal government, for all its flaws, is still a checks-and-balances system of apparati, and yet the Left continues to blame every last minutia of Obamacare's failures on the GOP simply because they "do not support it publicly." If your position is for government to control virtually all industries in America as a monopoly, you are hearkening upon the failed policies of your homeland's Labour Party prior to the Thatcher premiership, which led to the infamous "Winter of Discontent of 1978/79" that placed the icing on the cake of what became attributed to the United Kingdom as being "the sick man of Europe"; and Thatcher's initiatives of privatization and deregulation and essentially castrating the capacity of the labor unions that were so prominent and powerful in Northern England and Scotland in the government-controlled coal mines which dominated practically every facet of the British socialist economies of scale that it took more than five years to bear fruit since Britain's economy was mired in one of the worst recessions in post-depression era Western civilization, which included a spike in the number of unemployed from 1.5 million in 1979 to 3.3 million in 1983, followed by a dramatic decrease in unemployment, the rise in wealth for all levels of income as well as private ownership of the means of production while the rate of inflation dropped by more than half from 23% in 1979 to about 10% in 1990, when she was deposed by her own party due to her unfortunate choice to implement the Community Charge in 1989, and what in my mind was a wise decision that we are seeing she was very much correct in asserting herself in regarding not joining a federalized Europe, the precursor to the European Union, and avoiding a unified continental currency which is now failing. Thatcher was responsible for Britain's great economic miracle of the 1980's because she encouraged private ownership and entrepreneurship as opposed to a massive state-run economies of scale; and she, along with Ronald Reagan, proved to the world why Keynesian economics failed and the principles espoused by Milton Friedman and Ludwig von Mises are now the most prominent economic policies on Earth. Ultimately, if there are any socio-political entities we should fear of attaining a "new world order," it should be socialists and other varieties of left-wing extremists who seek to unify all the nations of the world under one class of people, none rich despite working to provide for their families since the fruits of their labors are paid almost entirely into the government, and all are poor in comparison to a small oligarchy of those who control every aspect of their lives. This is the theory of Marxism ushering in a democracy based upon the dictatorship of the proletariat whereby a centralized governing apparatus alone governs while the rest of the workers are subjugated to the wealthy governing oligarchs' whims. It bears mentioning that all major Marxist revolutions which have ever been successfully conducted were done so in nations which were agricultural in their major economic systems of operations, while never once occurring in a capitalist, free-market economy, as Marx stated would be impossible in 1873. If class warfare to you should entail that to be poor is a virtue if all are equal in income under a ruling apparatus of wealthy oligarchs, I dare say that such individuals with this like mindset as yours are among the most dangerous alive.
  • Jonathan Henderson If it becomes a matter of who controls the means of production, Steve, who would you prefer to have the power: the members within the private sector who can be sued and forced to address their unfair business practices if they should wrong their customers or employers amid the principles of a free-market economies of scale? Or should we allow the federal government to control every industry, whereupon if the people disagree with the policies of their own government in operating their businesses and controlling the prices and wages amid the phenomena of inflation that would become a major issue, they have no say as to what and how the situation would be addressed for fear of facing dire consequences? The onus is on you to address these issues with evidence that socialism has worked well in the past; is working well today when the more any government continues to subsidize the poor within the inner cities and rural areas rather than promoting initiatives friendly to the plight of the ownership of small businesses, poverty continues to flourish in these areas, and the lone source of racism for many of these individuals of minority races and ethnicities continues to be blamed upon right-wing conservatives and libertarians when in reality, they are being rendered redundant and dependent upon the government for every aspect of their survival; and that based upon these precedents, if you can prove that any meaningful effort at implementing a socialist state in terms of universal equity without the governing apparatus becoming too powerful is even possible. If government is to play any role in the health and viability of a nation's economy, it should be by putting people to work in jobs within the private sector which pay reasonably well and cutting the number of people who rely upon welfare and food stamps for their survival, not by adding to the list to where we now are seeing a record of 46 million Americans on some form of government welfare plan; and furthermore, government regulatory bureaucracies and other forms of public expenditure programs need to be both privatized and deregulated so that we stifle all abilities of the government to impede upon the lives of those who are willing to be innovative and create jobs with substantial pay wages. If the American people are being kept poor, it is because of our government and those politicians such as Obama, Sen. Reid, and Rep. Pelosi who seek to maintain the ever-growing portion of the nation in poverty as the status quo as their source of political legitimacy by being the hands which feed or destroy them. The height of the modern Democratic Party's existence will always be during the 12 year Reign of Terror of Franklin Roosevelt when the specter of soup and bread lines resonated in photographs within the pages of the major national newspapers and magazine articles and only grew in number and severity under FDR, not lessened until he drew the U.S. into World War II, at which time he created what the Soviet Union once referred to as a state-operated economy based upon "war communism." Considering that the Democratic Party blamed a Republican president in Herbert Hoover based upon his policies of expanding government's role in the economy through what were progressive political measures (this was the platform upon which FDR ran in 1932) for what became known as the Great Depression and then FDR, upon winning the 1932 election, far exceeded what Hoover ever did in creating the modern socialist and welfare state in America, any means by which your party or those around the world may utilize for the purposes of political expediency to gain power by frightening the people into electing them will be sought as a source for acruing power. A scared people is the Left's best friend in terms of the acquisition of power. 

    You should discuss what the British government's policy of public ownership of major corporations such as Jaguar, Rover, British Airways, Rolls-Royce, etc., did for that economy with Phil. I am sure with his greater knowledge of British history than that of my own, he can describe in glowing detail how well socialism worked in his country.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

My Response to the Opening of Businesses on Judeo-Christian Holidays (Authored Originally on Facebook on November 25, 2013)

(Above: The 35 words by which the legitimacy of the great American experiment of liberty through self-government were derived. Sadly, we have been guilty throughout our history of deviating from these principles, including the author of these fabled words which have served as the doctrine throughout the international community for 237 years upon which it has based its beliefs in human rights: Thomas Jefferson.)


To Whom This May Concern:

I have noticed perhaps a half dozen posts just today regarding varied opinions on why one should or should not shop or work on major holidays such as Thanksgiving or other holidays where the Judeo-Christian principles are in some manner applied into its meaning and customs of families bonding and celebrating the particular spirit behind these sacred occasions, and if this is to be the case, why or why not certain service-sector industries -- grocery stores, gas stations, hospitals, and even professional and collegiate sporting events -- either open or take place on these days as well. Here are my thoughts on the matter using historical precedents in economics and the culture from our economy's evolution over more than 400 years of American history on this continent which one may trace the roots for our present situation:

America operates in a mixed capitalist system of economics, in theory, but as time has progressed, we have seen in more than one manner how government and outside popular culture influences have fed into the moral fabric of how the American people perceive the holidays in comparison to the past. A high school history teacher will tell you that Anglo-America was founded upon three principles, all starting with the letter "G": God, Gold, and Glory. With regards to holidays like Christmas and Easter, they are no longer considered sacred covenants with a still-healthy majority of the public. Our culture and a plurality of our elected officials have manifested the thought process that rather than being a nation founded upon the foundations of Christianity and British and American liberty, we are a nation of secular, perhaps even atheist, individuals who answer to no higher power other than those entities who will pledge to provide for them material comforts in exchange for the abdication of their legal rights and furthermore, the people's willingness to forfeit their liberties to propagate a culture predicated upon the general will of the majority. Unfortunately, no recent American elections have been held with the party who wins gaining a simple majority of the entire legally-eligible American electorate since nearly half of the American people who are allowed to voted legally choose not to. While any true and just nation whose government is a democratically-elected republican apparatus of oligarchs should in theory adhere to the rule of law favoring the majority as opposed to those with less of a voice numerically, that alone makes it impossible to quantify the majority of the population's mandate due to their failure to pay attention to the affairs of state, and as as result, it cannot possibly always take care in recognizing the liberties and legal rights of the majority when a majority of those who do not have the numerical cloud of the majority are, in fact, the majority of the people who choose to vote. That is the rule of law, however cruel in its irony, and to the people within the majority who vote as they will and in absentia the ones who fail to act upon their civic duty to vote, the will of those who do vote will always be the direction in which the spirit of the laws must be adhered according to any true master of democratic politics and the Machiavellian wielding of power as a result of this legitimacy.

The American Dream was founded in part upon a principle of the ingenuity and talents of individuals allowing a people to achieve and to attain any goal he or she so desires in life. I will not go into semantics upon what the legal definition of a property owner was in 1782 when Hector St. John de Crevecouer authored his famous series of commentaries titled Letters from an American Farmer, but today, this definition is much different in terms of who and how one is defined as such. While in 1782 the definition of a property owner differed greatly from what we know it to be according to our laws today, the point remains both evident and clear: every specimen of mankind has the God-given rights to the acquisition of wealth and prosperity from the fruits borne of his or her own labors. This is most evident when one references the founding father of Classical Liberalism in the 17th Century English philosopher John Locke, when he wrote in his Second Treatise of Civil Government (1689) anonymously about the state of nature, which he defines as the following:

"To properly understand political power and trace its origins, we must consider the state that all people are in naturally. That is a state of perfect freedom of acting and disposing of their own possessions and persons as they think fit within the bounds of the law of nature. People in this state do not have to ask permission to act or depend on the will of others to arrange matters on their behalf. The natural state is also one of equality in which all power and jurisdiction is reciprocal and no one has more than another. It is evident that all human beings – as creatures belonging to the same species and rank and born indiscriminately with all the same natural advantages and faculties – are equal amongst themselves. They have no relationship of subordination or subjection unless God (the lord and master of them all) had clearly set one person above another and conferred on him an undoubted right to dominion and sovereignty." 

Furthermore, if the law of nature is misapplied by the state of nature, Locke states this as being true:

"IF man in the state of nature be so free, as has been said; if he be absolute lord of his own person and possessions, equal to the greatest, and subject to no body, why will he part with his freedom? Why will he give up this empire, and subject himself to the dominion and control of any other power? To which it is obvious to answer, that though in the state of nature he hath such a right, yet the enjoyment of it is very uncertain, and constantly exposed to the invasion of others: for all being kings as much as he, every man his equal, and the greater part no strict observers of equity and justice, the enjoyment of the property he has in this state is very unsafe, very unsecure. This makes him willing to quit a condition, which, however free, is full of fears and continual dangers: and it is not without reason, that he seeks out, and is willing to join in society with others, who are already united, or have a mind to unite, for the mutual preservation of their lives, liberties and estates, which I call by the general name, property." (2nd Tr., §123) 

(For further reading, please reference the actual primary source document of Locke's Second Treatise of Civil Government here.)

In the popular vernacular, historical and political scholars traditionally refer to this concept by Locke as all mankind having the inalienable rights guaranteed by the law of nature to "life, liberty, and property.'' The above excerpt from Second Treatise is written in his words verbatim. If all mankind are guaranteed these liberties by dent of the very nature of their births, what finite being has the authority to govern what one may possess as to what an individual acquires by way of the fruits of his or her labors? The answer, according to Locke, would be no one, no singular entity. It therefore should be noted that to avoid the state of war which often occurs in the state of nature, and to protect private property, that mankind is to enter into a civil or political society, or in using a better adjective phrase, a state of society. It is also the state to which mankind will ultimately return upon the dissolution of government as a result of a tyrant's rule. While no finite being or beings has or have the right to dictate the terms of the acquisition upon which one's fruits of his or her labors are borne from mankind's means for survival, the nature of humanity is to be selfish, and therefore the lone premise by the existence of any government institution is to protect life, liberty, and property, and nothing more, which is to be accomplished by a social contract with those within their community.

The greatest adherent and yet its most deviant implementer to and of the Lockean principles of the law of nature in America resided at his mountaintop plantation home in Charlottesville, Virginia, when he did not serve in an official governing capacity in the form of one Thomas Jefferson. One of Jefferson's innovations within the American stream of consciousness was his co-founding of the political party system upon his establishing of the Democratic-Republican Party, which was created in opposition to his arch nemesis in the political arena in Alexander Hamilton, who founded the Federalist Party, as what to historians would become forever known as the First Party System which is stated to have launched in 1793 and would be won in the end by the Jeffersonians who advocated a republic as form of government, and equality of political opportunity, with a priority for the "yeoman farmer," "planters," and the "plain folk." They were antagonistic to the aristocratic elitism of merchants and manufacturers, distrusted factory workers, and were on the watch for supporters of the dreaded British system of government. Above all, the Jeffersonians were devoted to the principles of Republicanism, especially civic duty and opposition to privilege, aristocracy, and corruption. The concepts of a society founded upon a system akin to those in Europe of entail and primogeniture, to Jefferson, were most pernicious to a society of free peoples, and he sought to end such practices in America once and for all through his cultural influences in his writings or through his implementation of polity using the people and the natural rights he believed each individual had to determine their governors as his source of legitimacy in his wielding power.

Along with the ultimate victory of the Jeffersonians over the Hamiltonian political faction was ushered in a period where for the first time in the New World, the phenomena behind the First Industrial Revolution commenced, an irony and a new economic culture which is in diametrical opposition to absolute Jeffersonianism. The new era in the economies of scale domestically perhaps can be traced to Jefferson's signing into law in 1807 his Embargo Act against the British Empire, which was his answer to Parliament's passing another Order of Council authorizing British naval vessels to impress ships suspected to be trading with Napoleonic France post Napoleon's issuing the Berlin Decree in November 1806 as the centerpiece behind the Continental System, which declared that no ally or territories acquired by conquest were permitted to trade with Britain. While Jefferson's plan did eventually affect the British economy after the law was repealed in 1808 just prior to his exiting the presidency, its failure to show an immediate impact proved to be equally as detrimental to the economic stability of traditional American free enterprise as it essentially crippled the marine merchant industry in New England and the Middle Atlantic states, thus resulting in a dearth of tax revenues and the loss of scores of jobs. As if the notion that nature always finds its way amid the circumstances which may at once impede its progression through time is assumed to be true, so too did the American economic infrastructure when around this time, the first factories began to open and manufacture goods on domestic soil. While Jefferson's intent behind his Embargo Act's premise to greatly stunt British economic stability by cutting off all trade with the United States was an attempt to play political coercive "hardball" with the world's most powerful empire in Britain in order to avoid war, the fact that the empire practiced mercantilism amid its worldly colonial holdings, with the jewel of the empire by this point being located upon the Indian Subcontinent where much of the cotton that once was purchased from the American Southern plantations was now harvested and was therefore an inter-economic good produced by British subjects, the initiative failed ultimately due to its inability to have an immediate effect upon Britain, and within three years of Jefferson's departure from the presidency, his successor and political protege James Madison would summon Congress to declare war against the nation's former mother country at the misgivings of his mentor, who remained quiet despite his disapproval out of respect for his pupil and ideological coauthor.

Jefferson's plan, while more of a failed ploy to cripple the British economy's international viability than a true victory, did indeed have an unintended latent effect on the American economic consciousness for all time, and perhaps set into motion the chain of events which ultimately led to his idealistic society of the agrarian yeoman and a planter class which was so prevalent in the economies of the South within less than 60 years being destroyed amid four years of civil war, in part, too, because of his contribution to the concept of nullification which was the centerpiece to his argument in his Kentucky Resolutions in 1798 against the unconstitutional Federalist policies within the Alien and Sedition Acts. His mistake with this policy was perhaps the single greatest indictment on his major logical shortfall in his intellectual life: the hypocrisy of failing to adhere to Lockean theory regarding life, liberty, and property which he wrote within the body of the Declaration of Independence (1776) as "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness" by not ending slavery during his presidency while simultaneously expressing his own disgust with the peculiar institution of slavery even as he himself was a slaveholder with hundreds of slaves. There are many theories over the years which have been posited pertaining to the reasoning for his never abolishing the practice, most prominent among them involving his relationship with his concubine Sally Hemings, with whom it is nearly certain today that he conceived as many as six offspring during their 38 year period of miscegenation. What we do know is that for the time, Jefferson was considered a man of the people, the most democratic of the Founding Fathers. It is again to be reiterated that prior to his signing into law the legislation behind the Embargo Act, his ideal economic infrastructure to him would rely upon mostly agriculture for strategic commodities than on industry.

Jefferson specifically believed:

"Those who labor in the earth are the chosen people of God, if He ever had a chosen people, whose breast He has made His peculiar deposit for substantial and genuine virtue." 

However, Jeffersonian ideals are not opposed to all manufacturing; rather, they are inclusive as to the belief that all people have the right to work to provide for their own subsistence and that an economic system which undermines that right is unacceptable.

Jeffersonianism, along with Hamiltonian political philosophy, have long been hailed for the political and economic posterity of America, which one sees as evidence today. Some historians have noted, however, a growing trend favoring Hamilton's principles, citing Jeffersonians as being "naïve, dreamy idealists," that they were at best "reactionary utopians who resisted the onrush of capitalist modernity in hopes of turning America into a yeoman farmers' arcadia," while at worst, "proslavery racists who wish[ed] to rid the West of Indians, expand the empire of slavery, and keep political power in local hands -- all the better to expand the institution of slavery and protect slaveholders' rights to own human property." Jefferson, though, refutes such a claim as to this intent in his Notes on the State of Virginia (1785) when he stated:

"I beleive [sic] the Indian then to be in body and mind equal to the whiteman."

He believed, therefore, that only their environment needed to be changed to make them fully American. Even though many American Indians lived in villages and engaged in agriculture, hunting was often still necessary for subsistence. It was this semi-nomadic way of life that led Jefferson and others to consider Indians as "savages." Jefferson believed that if American Indians were made to adopt European-style agriculture and live in European-style towns and villages, then they would quickly "progress" from "savagery" to "civilization" and eventually be equal, in his mind, to white men. As President, Jefferson would try to make these changes a reality. As with all individuals, Jefferson was most guilty of hypocrisies in terms of his inconsistencies in his logic pertaining to the liberties of mankind to be free to live to labor for his own bread and not live upon the whip of a master. One should not blame Jefferson by way of historical revisionism in defaming either his character or philosophies since he was a product of his environment, his contemporaries, and, ergo, his era in American Southern history.

(For further reading, please refer to the official webpage of Thomas Jefferson's Monticello here.)

The concept of Jefferson bending against his own principles to accommodate political expediency (The Louisiana Purchase was not a constitutionally-mandated initiative, which he pursued anyway) has become part of lore today in the American political arena. Legitimacy, then, is always derived from what he himself referred to in the Declaration of Independence as "the consent of the governed." This perhaps is the lasting logical principle behind his manifestation of American democratic values within the framework of republican government. It also is indicative of how his policies towards American Indians along the Western frontier would be implemented into law and ultimately carried out to gross extremes by Andrew Jackson, a man whom Jefferson found to be dangerous. If a free people such as the American Indian tribes can be manipulated in terms of how they live as Jefferson believed they should in order to socialize them, what would stop a man as Jackson from uprooting tens of thousands to march them across the land to another territory at enormous costs in lives? Such a principle is in existence today in America, which since 1898 has been active in one means or another in imperialistic endeavors and perhaps what some might refer to as the nation's ultimately enslaving the peoples of the world with capitalistic qualities by first the employing of workers in factories at extremely low wages and for long hours amid poor environment conditions, and then by the manifestation of materialistic dependency upon the products which are manufactured and the acquisition of wealth primarily concentrated into the hands of a rich power-elite and very little into those of these owners of the means of mass productions' workers. This, of course, delves one into the concepts of Marxism within Karl Marx's his masterpiece on political and economic Utopian virtues and a world dominated by the "dictatorship of the proletariat" in The Communist Manifesto (1848) along with co-author, Fredrick Engels. For better than one and a half centuries, the world would first build towards class warfare, then finally the ideals of the first Communist state emerged with the founding of the Soviet Union in 1917 upon the forced abdication of the Romanov family from the throne at the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg. A second world war followed by 46 years of cold war and the threat of nuclear holocaust over the jockeying for control of the world's peoples between the Soviets and its democratic-capitalist enemies, the United States. Each side was as guilty of enslavement of mass populations of people as the other, as the lone difference being the core principles behind which each government used to justify their actions. Both killed millions in order to attain that nation's ideological and imperialistic goals, but in the end, capitalism won upon the centralized-economic infrastructure of the Soviet Union collapsing under the weight of its own artificial economies of scale amid the U.S. escalating the arms race in the 1980's during the Reagan presidency.

About 15 years into the Cold War, the dawn of the age of secularism in America emerged, as individuals like Madeline Murray O'Hare filed lawsuits in federal courts which led the U.S. Supreme Court to ultimately abolish mandatory prayer and biblical recitations in public schools as they cited that the practice infringed upon the rights of those who adhered to the principles of atheism to not pray as part of the lifestyle. (Read an article marking the 50th anniversary of the landmark U.S. Supreme Court case Engel v. Vitale and Abington School District v. Schempp in Religion and Politics.) Since then too, the courts have ordered the removal of Judeo-Christian likenesses such as the Ten Commandments from government buildings such as courthouses citing the same applicable principles. This practice, now among the most common in all of the modern socialistic-characterized public and social cultural initiatives, has permeated into the private sector of the economy with many businesses choosing to no longer close on major religious holidays such as Christmas and Easter Sunday. In its wake lies the largest percentage of workers who prefer to not work but instead to remain at home with their families to celebrate both the religious rituals, and in the case of Thanksgiving, the national traditions and customs which is believed by those of the Judeo-Christian faiths to have been blessed and made possible by God. Those within the secular, socialist minority who are repulsed by those in the majority adhering to the belief that America's settlement was preordained by God as the American Dream's realization of "manifest destiny" continue to cry foul while the majority acquiesces to their demands simply to silence their vitriol and to maintain the public peace. If a member of a minority religious faith chooses to observe their religion's holidays during the calendar year by taking off from work, for these individuals' employers to deny them their right to do so would be potentially punishable by the current rule of law as an act of discrimination. On the other hand, no Christian of whom I am aware would typically be granted such a reprieve for a religious holiday observance, and few ever attempt to buck this trend out of necessity to keep their jobs. It is therefore a matter of cultural discrimination by the varied government influences and the social desires of corporations who have been secularized in their approach to a nation founded in part upon Christian liberties to sacrifice their liberties to praise God in order to earn the all mighty extra buck. Sadly, most of the general public will be complicit in perpetuating and the propagation of this practice until one day, there will be no such officially-recognized holidays as either Christmas or Easter, though holidays such as Ramadan may well be unofficially and surreptitiously heralded as a means to cater to a minority mob rule.

In the end, the choice of the American public to work on holidays lies within the controls of those who own the means of production and the federal government, who through acts of judicial activism over the past half century have greatly crippled the ability for the majority adhering to Judeo-Christian religious principles to observe their holidays and furthermore, to be able to see vestiges of their faiths upon government buildings due to our elected officials attempts at historically-revising what John Adams wrote in a letter to Thomas Jefferson as the following:

"The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence, were  ...the general principles of Christianity, in which all those sects were united, and the general principles of English and American liberty, in which all those young men united, and which had united all parties in America, in majorities sufficient to assert and maintain her independence."

(For future reading, please refer to the primary source document of John Adams' letter to Thomas Jefferson, dated June 18, 1813 here.)

Today, it appears as if 21st Century Americans identify more so with the principles associated with the left-wing radicals' prosecution of the French Revolution as opposed to those by which their American Founding Fathers fought for all to enjoy in future generations during our gift to the world of the first revolution against a colonial governing parent-nation: the French, according to Adams, predicated their revolution on atheism as those who prosecuted the toppling of the ancien regime  also destroyed the First Estate, which was the sovereignty of the Roman Catholic Church in feudalistic France. God advocates His legitimacy to His followers based upon their choosing to follow Him; the French atheists who prosecuted the revolution used fear and mass murder to legitimize their stranglehold on power, which would greatly influence such revolutionaries as Lenin and Mao during the 20th Century revolutions in Russia and China. It is interesting to note, too, how Marx stated that the rise of the proletariat could only occur during the reign of capitalist hegemony by the bourgeoisie; he later admitted in 1873 that capitalism had provided most individuals more prosperity than ever before despite differences in economic statuses and income levels. In contrast, no major world Communist or socialist revolution has ever successfully been conducted in nations in which a capitalist economic infrastructure existed.

All great civilizations which have ever lasted for centuries or more than a millennia laid their legitimacy upon the principles of a higher power and those of their subjects who recognize their sovereignty as being just because in some manner, the ruling apparatus manages to appeal to its citizens by some form of supernatural or the metaphysical entity from which it can unify its people through a commonly held core of beliefs and principles upon which the governed can in general agree upon as being both just and absolute in moral efficacy. Nations such as those within the Soviet Union's sphere of influence, the People's Republic of China, North Korea, et. al., have derived their version of this practice by a cult of leadership predicated upon fear much as was experienced during Revolutionary France, which we are seeing today in our nation though it appears to be a gradual usurpation of our traditions and core principles for more than 400 years of Anglo-American settlements rather the extreme coercive methods of radical acceptance of their truth and mythological legitimacy through a metaphysical principle. In each of these nations, they either collapsed or are failing to tread water while their citizens starve and die upon disappointing "Dear Leader," or in the case with China, the nation moderated its policies towards the original abolition of all religious worship, though still the state relies upon fear in the maintenance of its power and cracks down on religious separatist sectarians. Regardless of what has become of these nations, one thing is certain as a fundamental truth today as it was just a generation ago while the Cold War was drawing to its conclusion: these nations, Communist that they are, are willing to resort to any means necessary to prevent its subjugated citizens from fleeing its borders as refugees. The subjugated peoples of North Korea see across the demilitarized zone separating the two Koreas a nation in the South free to exist largely as they so choose, while in their native North, they are slaves to the whims of the member of the Kim family in power. The implications here are clear: mankind is not free unless government is limited and it is unimpeded in congregating with those of their common cultures, customs, and faiths to celebrate their heritage and the humanity which through the higher power's legitimacy and their faith in that figure links them all typically, though not always, in peace and harmony.

In the end, the only remedy to end the barbaric practices of the coerced forfeiture of a society's faith in their supreme being of choice is for mega states such as ours to break apart and create polis' such as those which existed in Hellenic Greece in Athens, the birthplace of democracy. The only truly legitimate representatives of a person's democratic interests reside within the heart and mind of each individual, for only the power of the individual, the majority of one, truly has a hope at building for all time the closest thing to the most just, legitimate society of man-manifested legitimacy based upon natural law as provided by God, as no large republican body of elected representatives such as the American system of our elected officials can adequately acquiesce to each individual's wants and desires, and there is no one alive who truly considers that every policy enacted by a republican-representative government to be one hundred percent legitimate to his or her wants and desires and how exactly it best accommodates his or her interests. Ultimately, democracy is mob rule derived by a representative voting apparatus of either the individual, as in Ancient Athens, or the elected representatives of a republican government, and is never fully representative to every individual's nor faction's desires except for those within the ruling majority of votes.
As Winston Churchill once so famously echoed in this sentiment, one cannot help but relate to his logic:

“Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.”

Thus Churchill, a man who acquired his mandate for power from the votes of a constituency of electors which comprised of a majority of one political faction in the Conservative Party of the United Kingdom, spoke from experience as a man who derived his legitimacy upon the consent of the governed in a nation which recognizes Christianity through the Church of England as its ultimate basis for power.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

How Can Anything Ruin the Public's Reveling in Prince George's Birth? Simple: Hillary Clinton Opening Her Mouth!

(Prior to the article's analysis, I want to announce to my loyal readers that I have established a new(er) for my poetry that I hope will draw just as large of a following as this blog. I have been an intermittent user of the Blogger service now for nearly nine years, having owned or as a contributor for six different blogs. I do hope you will consider reading my poetry as well as my political commentary. The blog, titled Tennessee Fried Poetry, Part Deux, can be accessed within the context of that writing.)

Introduction: A Warm Welcome to Prince George Alexander Louis into the World!

So, what have we lately from across "the fruited plain"? Well, "across the pond,' the Royal baby was delivered to the sweet, yet sultry Kate Middleton. I do have to say that if Prince George (the little cherub's name) is to become a heart breaker in life, he will do so only by virtue of his mother's good genes, as his father's is tarnished by Prince Charles' ears and his father's receding hairline.

There are a few graphics I would like to share with you in celebration of the birth of the Royal baby. Here they are below, in living color:

And his best attempt at pulling a "James Bond" at this very early stage of his life:

Yes, Prince George Alexander Louis is going to make one fine monarch living the high life. One of my co-workers could not help but make the distinction that he looks like the Planters Peanut Man. I think she is correct, and I will say that furthermore, he is going to be the prince of the peanut gallery!

Here is another picture of the new born cherub being celebrated to all of the people of the British Commonwealth of 16 nations:

The only question I have for the Royal family is why did they not name him "Simba"? Also, since the Royal family has clandestinely lived as a pack of lions -- as we all know, the male lion is the king of all animals -- will the sweet cherub grow up to have a mane around his head and neck? It seems as if William, Duke of Cambridge, is losing his mane.

All kidding aside, I want to congratulate William and Kate on the birth of the future King of England. In honor of the mother country, I will complete this sentence, and therefore "paragraph,"  with the line, "Britannia rules the waves.

Here is a real photograph of the young Royal family:


Conclusion: Hillary Clinton Attempts to Liberalize the Royal Family's Parenting Skills

Of course, leave it to someone on the Left to mar the birth of the future King of England. Hillary Clinton chimed in, as only the future president of the United States can do. I say she is going to be the next president because there are enough idiots in this country who will vote for her. She has practically an entire gender-base backing her, which means more and higher taxes, less liberty, and the like.

So, what did Clinton have to say? Well, here is what one publication showed of her Twitter account and the backlash she received. You will have to view it on the actual web page since it will not transfer to this blog.(Courtesy of Twitchy)

So, it takes a Royal village to take care of one baby? Why not? It has taken an entire empire to care for the British Royal family for nearly a millennium through oppressive taxation, so why would it not take an entire country? This is Clinton at her most sly.

Since you have seen the uproar over the First Lady, I will also lampoon her in a few spoof Photoshop jobs that I am sure you will enjoy:


Oh yes. In three and a half more years, we will have another eight years tacitly agreed upon by the sheep in the form of the American public where we will give things away to the government according to Hillary Clinton "on behalf of the common good."