Friday, May 16, 2014

My Latest Debate with a Socialist Far Left Liberal (May 15, 2014)

Subject: Yet Another Debate with a Socialist Far Left Wing Ideologue in Defense of a Dear Friend from College:

I first wish to apologize to you, my readers, for the long absence. I have experienced serious technical difficulties with my dashboard, which still have not been rectified. Worry not, however; I have been keeping very close tabs upon the world and our national issues of interest. As there have been much to have occurred since I last posted, it would be nearly impossible to backtrack and catch everything having transpired, and it is therefore in my best interests to let those issues be and address them when new events and issues related to them occur. It is like the boomerang effect from one decade's pop culture to the next: what once was is now new again. Around the time I last posted, I had been working for two weeks on researching and analyzing the series of events and alliances forming over the issues with the Russians, Chinese, Iranian and Syrian governments. What found through access international news agencies from Russia, China, Japan, South Korea, Iran, Turkey, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Argentina were rather disturbing, and as I currently have no means to access the edit pages for this blog (the poetry blog has not been affected), I pray there is some means for me to at least recover the HTML coding so that I can at least transfer it to another format or page. I have procrastinated at completing what I have designs for a full website about the same principles as what you have accessed here. I hope that once I finish it, I may end my posts here and instead, redirected you to that site. As I have been censored two and now with my blog's dashboard, as many as three times, I am choosing to move my articles to my own website so that I do not have to worry about content.

Today's post, which probably indicates that Punxsutawney Phil's prediction of six weeks more of Spring, is perhaps the most impassioned debate upon which I have ever embarked. A friend of mine named Kelsey (he is as man) posted like I do an article on Facebook in opposition to President Obama. Upon seeing this, his friend, named Paul, attacked him for being a racist and unintelligent. When I read these comments,  I snapped inside, and wrote to this liberal a very stern series of replies. I am very passionate about my worldly perspective, and I adhere to my convictions, not to the consensus. Here is the debate, where the last reply read of his referencing me as intolerant and bigoted.

“Beware: open-mindedness will often say, 'Everything is permissible except a sharp opinion.” 
― Criss Jami

Obama Urges “Wrongheaded” Americans to Trust Government More
Paul Joseph Watson | President bemoans “lack of confidence in our government”.
Donna Lawson likes this.
  • Paul White your blind hatred of the president is obvious, your reasons are suspect. I am pretty sure that you are just filling your head with hate. At least find something important to complain about. Every President has failures. jump off this tabloid op-ed crap and talk about his real problem- trying to lead a mostly racist populous to economic recovery and dealing with a greedy bigoted, corrupt, and antagonistic congress who refuses participate in the process.
  • Kelsey Riffey Paul , you know me better than this. I know he has a rough job and wouldn't want to be in his place. I dislike some of his policies and that doesn't make me hate him. I don't like the idea that he believes that you don't like big government something is wrong with you. What bothers me the people that our his friends talk of white genocide and not a word. I respect everyone that is different from me. If I offended you buddy sorry. I always respected to you Paul and your views.
  • Donna Lawson Sharing for sure..
  • Jonathan Henderson The socialist Far Left's response to any dissent towards Barack Obama is summarized in this statement: "When in doubt, pull the Race Card out!" And after all, since Kelsey apparently hates the president because he is black, why do the Far Left ideologues despise such prominent minority conservatives as Thomas Sewell, Marco Rubio, Allen West, Herman Cain, Dr. Ben Carson, Justice Clarence Thomas, and let us not forget Ted Cruz, Paul? Perhaps seeing the total incompetence on every measure of governance within the Obama administration, you would be only too delighted for the socialist Far Left to simply have total domination of the entire minority population's run as GOP politicians. While minorities continue to lose at greater rates with respect to economic clout and an accelerated growth in abject poverty, your side addresses this issue not with action, but the couplet of inaction married to further race baiting and the demand to maintain their status quo as the poorest subsections in the U.S. Since maintaining their poverty is not enough for you, you wish to support permitting the influx of some 30 million illegal aliens into this nation, providing that many more new citizens based upon a desired amnesty law with welfare subsidies and, as with Mayor Rahm Emanuel of Chicago's new policy contingent upon the inevitable passage of an amnesty bill, only these immigrants will be hired to fill the civic positions and other city-funded public sector jobs while the 92% of the young black population within the city limits remain unemployed and still on welfare, all others should be worse for the wear so long as you may court these new voters.

    Finally Paul, if you wish to cry "wolf" on the perception of conservative institutional racism, I wish to refer you to the Obama administration's figures from the U.S. Department of Labor, and how dramatically black participation within the labor force has dwindled. If this is the Democratic Party's answer to charges of Republican racism, I would rather accept that derogatory term as a compliment than to read how in 2008, 71.1% of the black population ages 20 and up eligible for work at the end of the Bush presidency has receded to an even more appalling 67.2%. Perhaps the next time President Obama decides to tell Joe the Plumber how the American people need to "spread the wealth" in order to level the field for the poor and minorities, the only spread of wealth he provided was to his Hollywood partisans or the immensely wealthy like Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and George Soros. While they gained in tax breaks, the rest of us are seeing leaner bank accounts, rising health insurance costs due to Obamacare, and a labor force now exceeding more than 92 million having left due to the inability to procure jobs, and four years from now a bleak future where more will be out of the job market than there will be taxpayers. That is the change Obama talked about within the domestic economy during the 2008 campaign, and the pledge to move forward less than two years ago.

    Series Id: LNU01300031
    Not Seasonally Adjusted
    Series title: (Unadj) Labor Force Participation Rate - 20 yrs. & over, Black or African American Men
    Labor force status: Civilian labor force participation rate
    Type of data: Percent or rate
    Age: 20 years and over
    Race: Black or African American
    Sex: Men

    Download: Download as an Excel File
    Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual
    2004 71.9 70.1 70.7 69.7 70.1 70.9 70.9 70.8 71.1 71.6 71.6 71.1 70.9
    2005 69.9 69.9 69.7 70.5 71.4 72.8 73.2 72.6 72.1 72.1 71.1 70.3 71.3
    2006 69.4 70.5 70.7 71.1 71.3 70.9 71.8 71.4 71.2 71.5 71.6 71.4 71.1
    2007 71.5 70.6 70.3 70.8 70.4 70.9 72.7 72.5 71.5 71.0 71.2 70.4 71.2
    2008 70.7 70.6 70.4 70.9 70.6 72.0 72.0 72.5 71.4 71.1 70.6 70.7 71.1
    2009 70.6 70.0 69.4 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.1 69.7 68.1 69.1 69.0 68.7 69.6
    2010 69.6 69.1 70.3 69.8 70.2 69.8 69.5 69.8 68.7 69.0 69.0 68.8 69.5
    2011 68.5 67.9 68.5 68.4 67.7 68.7 68.2 68.9 68.0 68.5 68.4 69.0 68.4
    2012 68.2 67.7 68.2 67.0 68.0 68.8 68.1 67.5 66.6 67.8 67.4 67.5 67.7
    2013 67.9 67.7 68.1 67.0 67.8 67.5 67.7 66.7 67.5 66.9 66.5 65.6 67.2
    2014 66.3 66.5 67.3 66.1   

    To see the last 10 years of data, select one or more series from the table below...See More
  • Kelsey Riffey I just hope this president never becomes a fully fledged dictator . I have a question for every liberal or Democrat if this president stays in power past 2016 would you guys argue that it was OK? I know many who would clap their hands with great joy.
    18 hours ago · Unlike · 2
  • Kelsey Riffey Soros was also a Nazi collaborator. No one never speaks of this.
    18 hours ago · Unlike · 2
  • Jonathan Henderson I grow quite angry when I read of anyone writing as did your friend. I have ended quite a number of friendships over the past year over issues regarding this form of intolerance and the retaliation through intimidation. One old friend told me I was racist for posting a political cartoon of two white men - one farmer and another a street thug - and on the left there being both with guns during a period of legal ownership of firearms and the right only showing the street thug with them. That was the beginning of the month-long thaw into the final blow that forced my hand when he generalized University of Virginia students as "rich, self-entitled douchebags" (and recall I had a cousin attend that very good school) while saying schools differ and his graduate school - the University of Michigan, which he referenced as reminiscent of an Ivy League school - did not have that. Once I replied that certain groups are like that at all schools when I stated those within Greek life, he then went off on me saying how I only talk about things that anger me, that I needed to find something I like to talk about. After that, an argument ensued for half an hour where I called attention to his hypocrisy, which he denied and at the same time backpeddled on his comments as he did when he had called me a racist a month earlier. At one point, I truly lost it with him and stated how as a liberal, he professes social harmony. After that and a few more details, that was the end of a 14 year friendship.

    Margaret Thatcher was quite the conviction politician. I love these statements:

    "Standing in the middle of the road is very dangerous. You get knocked down by traffic on both sides."

    "Do you think you would have ever heard of Christianity if the Apostles had said, 'I believe in consensus'"?

    What Paul proved to me was that he believes only in the consensus of those who tell him there is a class struggle occurring, while I adhere to my convictions. Some individuals or interest groups have no conviction and lean upon their own prejudices against anyone who dares to oppose them. Those people stand for nothing and their views are such that when you listen to outbursts of emotional appeal in anger and ultimately condescension, it is obvious that the foundation of their arguments are contrived and its base, quicksand. Once they read a series of figures to corroborate with their socialist policies' failures to accomplish anything they set out to do, they lose all composure and resort to character assassination. It really is quite common.
    15 hours ago · Edited ·Like · 1
  • Paul White I am not offended by your comments Kelsey. i just know that you are very intelligent, I am only suggesting that you use intelligent arguments. I never called GW stupid. I hated the way the press belittled his personality. However i found both his foreign and domestic policies dangerous and often badly managed. The same holds for O. I think you have better arguments than the tabloid stuff you use. Jonathon is the only person guilty of character assassination in the conversation. He wrote that long piece of nonsense as an attack on me and made it a manifesto of intolerance. His 1st suggestion was to unfriend me. I prefer your ability to debate. I think you know that when it comes down to it we have similar core values and a common distrust of government and politicians. that is all.
  • Jonathan Henderson There you go again, Paul, once again reinforcing your intolerance and how you are in denial that your inferring Kelsey is a racist for opposing Obama is not intolerance 
    accusing me of encouraging him to block you. If you did not have the race card or some measure of intolerance to lean upon in defense of your failed initiatives within your party's officials, what would you have? The fact is that whether it was Jimmy Carter, the Clintons, or now Barack Obama, they have no competence on sound monetary policy, no competence on how to ensure true social accord other than to promote the most pervasive policies encouraging hate since the Jim Crow era, and for a party of peace, you choose to slaughter scores of innocents in proxy warfare depending upon the race or religion of the nations in question while you wish to contribute to the destruction of Israel. If you want to "bring back our girls" with fruitless hashtag political strategies, why by the same token did the president do nothing to save the 50 college students in Nigeria killed by the same Boko Haram? Would he have lifted a finger had they been Muslim? Furthermore, why did Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State fight to prevent the classification of Boko Haram as a terrorist organization?

  • Before you resort to the race card, please consider how your support for a president with no regard for life domestically or globally destroys your position and the Democratic Party's once November 2 arrives. After all, by your logic, the only hatred possible to exist is to oppose socialist Far Left policies. If acquiescence is impossible to achieve by coercion and intimidation, we therefore may always rely upon               the race card being pulled in desperation.    

    At least 50 students were killed in their sleep by suspected Boko Haram militants on Sunday.

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