Monday, March 17, 2014

Oh, How I Long for the Time When Grown-Ups Were in Charge: These are the Times Which Try Men's Souls

Subject: Let Us Return to Yesterday, Not to a Tomorrow of Dystopia

For those who may wonder how a leader should conduct himself when the forces of international corruption would derail the democratic legal processes, look no further than President Ronald Reagan's manner of dealing with the union strike illegally launched by the employees of the air traffic controllers' union, all of whom were employed by the federal government, on August 3, 1981 when he first warned and then acted swiftly and decisively in terminating the jobs of the union strikers. Big labor is still a major prohibitive wall to true economic growth and the maintenance of the continuity of American jobs within the private sector. To best grasp President Reagan's swift and decisive measures by which he initiated the economic portion of the Reagan Revolution, simply watch how he conducted his press conference in the Rose Garden about the situation:

Or how he communicated his quest for fiscal restraint and accountability by specifically demanding that Congress approve of his budget to begin the processes of cutting government expenditures:

And how "The Gipper" began to destroy the Soviet Union by his declaration of its being "an evil empire":

How he changed the rules by which the Cold War would be played with his announcement of the most ambitious military project in world history, the Strategic Defense Initiative (aka. "Star Wars"):

And the most public declaration of all, for Mr. Gorbachev to seek peace for the Soviet Union and "tear down" the Berlin Wall:

The results were both evident and clear because the Berlin Wall did fall in 1989 after Reagan left the Oval Office in January of that year:

And Reagan's commentary and approval for the occasion:

During the era of Thatcherism in the United Kingdom, the Iron Lady crippled labor and trade unions within the northern borders of England and that of Scotland which had wrought upon Her Majesty's subjects the infamous slogan of "the sick man of Europe" culminating in socialism's final emaciation of the British economy known as the Winter of Discontent in 1979. Upon her ascent to her role of Prime Minister of Great Britain, Margaret Thatcher embarked upon an ambitious plan of stifling once and for all the fallacies circuitous of the mission behind the absolute supremacy of the state: she initiated the practice of deregulation and privatization of state-owned corporations such as Jaguar, Rolls-Royce, Rover, British Airways and British Petroleum (BP), multitudes of public utilities and scores more in state public expenditure programs and bureaucracies. Where Labour was not working, Thatcher and the Conservative Party did. The result was the phenomena behind the British economic miracle which reduced massive unemployment and the rate of inflation from its 1979 levels of 26% to her astonishing accomplishment through her faith in the British people to endeavor within the infinite confines of the combined ingenuities of Britons from the cockney peoples of London to Cardiff and Northumberland, until it reached Northern Ireland. With her alliance with President Reagan in confronting the evil empire of the Soviet Union and the initiation of a long and protracted conflict with international foreign terrorists and for Britain, the Irish Republican Army (IRA), and because of this commitment to maintaining the peace and seeking the moral high ground of proliferating liberty, the world was not allowed to be destroyed by the love for the bomb, but by measures of deterrence and strength.

Politics are the one arena of social phenomena by which a politician practicing it may use his personal values and core principles to convince those within the gray area of doubt to adhere to his or her side of the issues in order to become elected. The manner of adherence to the law is quite another. The rule of law is the key component to the social contract we as the popular sovereignty through the general will tacitly agree in principle with the democratically elected leadership within our republican framework of government. Those who choose to violate the law, to act in dissension towards that by which the legitimacy of the state is to be drawn within the framework of said covenant should expect nothing less than to suffer the legal consequences the prescribed remedies dictate as its terms to punish the violations of criminal and tort laws.

America has been bereft of the presence of a true leader since Reagan's exiting from the White House in 1989. George H.W. Bush did not meet the criteria by which these standards were set by Ronald Reagan due to his fickle nature amid facing the heat of pressure emanating from Congress. Bill Clinton failed miserably for his wanton ethical and moral virtues and the corruption through which his campaign supporters and his international nefarity with Hu Jintao's Chinese government regarding the exchange of top secret nuclear and other military secrets manifested. George W. Bush maintained the most inconsistently incongruous slate of foreign and domestic policies in the modern history of the GOP as he is classified taxonomically as a neoconservative ("neocom"). And Barack Obama's concept of change in which we can believe was to destroy the American Dream and render our once great nation to the role of the puppet to our foreign enemies and international terrorist cells rather than standing high atop our shining city upon a hill. American Exceptionalism once spread globally whether or not our might meant we were making right via morality; today, our nation is the laughing stock of the free world, and a former Soviet KGB officer now possesses de facto hegemony over the more than 7 billion heartbeats and thoughts sprinkle worldwide. The Reagan Revolution, "Morning in America," has now met its twilight of encouraging individual ingenuity and free competitive spirits by being stifled rather than encouraged, our core values and principles once resonating from our forefathers landing upon this continent being historically revised and the stories told as if it never happened as it did nor at all, and the yeoman resolve which was our sacred covenant within Hector St. John De Crevecoeur's Letters from an American Farmer is now gone. It is now mourning in America.

The morning to which America awakened itself more than 30 years ago following the near destruction of our exceptionalism due to the failed incompetencies of presidents Richard Nixon through Jimmy Carter has now been retracted to its former state. We no longer operate among our allies nor enemies from a position of strength, but from one of cowardice, blatant lies and unbridled deceit. The art of politicizing has never been one comprised of brutal honesty, and today, this has never been more evident. If America is to reawaken to a new morning upon the horizon, we the people must act accordingly, and with swift and decisive resolve. We cannot allow an obvious lie lead to our death knell; we must reaffirm and reestablish ourselves as the popular sovereignty comprising of the general will, not government ruling absolute and amid corrupt bargains. President Obama could learn a great deal from the show of stern resolve of Ronald Reagan. 

Today, the free world is mired amid the greatest international series of crises to popular sovereignty and the general welfare since the conclusion of the Cold War on New Years Eve 1991. When the Soviet Union collapsed beneath the weight of its own tyranny, the world was suddenly bereft of one pole of the bipolar superpower infrastructure and in its stead, left remaining with one: we the people of the United States who were borne of and for the purpose to form a more, but not absolute, perfect union. Over the past generation, the world has beared witness to the alarming rise to the threats of privately-funded and the state-sponsored international terrorist cells consistent within the tenets of Islamic fundamentalism and the continual onslaught from those such as the IRA over the partition of the Emerald Isle which have rendered a world of free peoples to its knees through the awesome mass violent and genocidal activities in the name of a deity and the prophet and nationalist bigotry from the oppressor towards the oppressed. 

When Ronald Reagan declared that America held the torch of freedom throughout the 20th Century, he could not have possibly foreseen a new world order subsequent by a generation governed under the stench of appeasement as opposed to the acquisition of peace through the measures of strength. America did not acquire its peaceful manifestation of our great experiment of popular democracy through republicanism by the measures of cowardly appeasement; it will not today, nor will it ever. A free people cannot proliferate as such if one limb is severed from the rest of its tree. The tree of liberty will never cease to grow from the seed it was sown. If an evil empire as is consistent within the description of the basic tenets of the Russian Federation in its wielding of de facto power within the Eurasian and Near East corridors of the world should first succeed in dismembering one branch from the rest of the tree, her decapitation is only a infinite future away from utter deforestation. We cannot permit this, nor should our allies. We cannot allow Vladimir Putin to annex the Crimean Peninsula through the bearing of false witness to the mockery of popular sovereignty in tacit discord to the legitimacy granted government in power in the Ukrainian capital of Kiev. To appease Putin is to cede to him territory not of his property. Once the Crimean Peninsula is forfeited, it can only be reacquired by Ukraine as so many other nations around the Black Sea have attempted over the centuries with at best mixed successes: the tragic phenomenon of catastrophic warfare which will open Pandora's box and render our world, an Earth borne of natural liberty but ceded due to the false belief in idolatry to those promulgating the supremacy of the state, to the state of despair amid moral decadence and the loss of all hope for mankind to acquire the essential liberty for their sacred preservations of their honor, their fortunes, and their lives controlled by a finite source. If, according to Thomas Jefferson, the tree of liberty must again be refreshed by its natural fodder of the spilt blood of patriots and tyrants, so shall it be. But no one wishes for a war which would kill millions, and we should aim at coercing Russian president Vladimir Putin by our strength in dictating the strict guidelines of terms for which the negotiations and mediations must be adhered. Putin does not nor will he ever yield to anything other than sheer peaceful force by our greater strength.

There are measures by which America must lead the charge to crushing the Russian effort to destroy popular sovereignty in the Ukraine that do not require shots being fired, but we must remember to again do so through our position of strength as we are the shining city upon a hill in hearkening upon Jesus Christ's delivery his historic Sermon on the Mount. We have never perfected liberty, and no government nor our own elected representation within the body of republican government ever will, but this does not imply that we shall stop and undercut our systems of core values, beliefs and principles. Until the day when a new spiritual great awakening calls upon us all and we are to realize that we as sinners exist under the hands of benevolence and inherent love from our God and the laws of nature, the bases by which we have declared for all posterity that our liberty is to forever be on the march, guaranteed to each of their offspring, so should the liberties inherent within the hearts of the oppressed by the oppressors globally be recognized in kind.

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