Subject: The Cluster 'You-Know-What' in Iraq, Part Two: My Reply to the Facebook Page 'Rand Paul 2016 Regarding Iraq
In my desperate attempts to maintain some measure currency with what I write and research, I wish to also pass this conversation to each of you, my friends and patrons who I hope does read and if so, you do not grow too baffled by what I sometimes attribute to be tantamount to "psychobabble." After all, I am diagnosed with both severe bipolar disorder and OCD. My grip on reality is at best, tenuous.
Assuming this is just a supporter of Dr. Paul's Facebook page, I will make no assumptions at all as to stating if I believe he is responding or if it is a "ghost writer." And like the last dialogue with regards to United Kingdom Foreign Secretary William Hague's decision for the British to reopen its embassy in Tehran in an effort to make peace with them, or rather I state, to appease, I will allow your eyes to read and decipher your own thought.
Rand Paul 2016 shared a link .
George W. Bush made a big mistake by going to war in Iraq and Rand Paul wants Republicans to remember that.